(Paper) IFS - Indian Economic Service Zoology Previous Year Paper (I) (2004)
Paper : IFS - Indian Economic Service Zoology Previous Year Paper (I) (2004)
1. Write briefly on any four of the following in not more than 150 words each :
(10 x 4 40)
(a) Types of spicules in sponges
(b) Torsion in Gastropoda
(c) Coral reefs and their formation
(d) Types of Reptilian skulls
(e) Mechanism and physiology of gill respiration in fishes.
2. (a) Give the salient features of Phylum Mollusca
and classify it up to classes cliting distinguishing characters and examples.
(b) Describe the affinities of Onychophora. (20)
3. (a) Descriptive the life history of Ascaris. (20)
(b) Give an account of the development of Obelia medusa. (20)
4. “Pituitary gland is no longer considered as the
leader of endocrine orchestra”. Discuss. (40)
5. Write notes on any four of the following is not more than 150 words
each (10 x 4 = 40)
(a) Ecological succession
(b) Seasonal and circadian rhythms
(c) Carp culture
(d) Application of Chi-square test in genetics.
(e) Geiger-Muller counter
6. Discuss in detail the various factors the regulate the
population growth. (40)
7. (a) Give an account of status of Sericulture in
India. (20)
(b) Give an account of tropotaxis as a directed orientation reaction in
animals. (20)
8. (a) Describe the properties of normal distribution.
(b) Describe the principles and applications of S.E.M. (20)