THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 02 JULY 2019 (Lessons from Bhutan (The Hindu))
Lessons from Bhutan (The Hindu)
Mains Paper 2: Health and Education
Prelims level : PISA assessment
Mains level : Adopting education policy like Bhutan and its aftermath effect
- Bhutan’s teachers, doctors and other medical staff will earn more than civil servants of corresponding grades, if a policy recently announced by the country’s government is implemented.
- The new salary scales will benefit about 13,000 teachers and doctors.
- This is a novel move. No other country has accorded teachers and doctors such pride of place in its government service, both in terms of remuneration and symbolism.
Inspired or fanciful?
- The policy’s tonal reference is to be found in Bhutan’s 12th Five Year Plan (2018-23), published by its Gross National Happiness Commission, the country’s highest policy-making body.
- The commission’s strategy to achieve desired national outcomes through education opens with the notation, “making teaching a profession of choice”.
- The proposal then is evidently at the core of a larger governmental strategy to achieve the country’s human developmental objectives.
- The decision also comes in the wake of high levels of teacher attrition, especially the best.
- The government has formulated the policy as a styptic to stop the serious haemorrhage.
PISA assessment
- The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is a worldwide study that measures and compares student ability in reading, mathematics, science and global competence, with financial literacy an option.
- Accordingly, it ranks educational systems of countries. An independent study led by the economist, Peter Dolton, has demonstrated a distinct correlation between student outcomes in a country, as measured by PISA scores, and the status that its teachers enjoy.
- The initiative’s latest report, Global Teacher Status Index 2018, based on its own surveys across 35 countries, goes on to make a strong case for high wages to improve teacher status.
- Policies act as levers that governments use to achieve desired results in focus areas.
- The results of Bhutan’s policy, if implemented, will take a few years to emerge for critical evaluation. It is, however, based on credible research.
The fiscal implications
- Bhutan already spends about 7.5% of its GDP on education.
- The fiscal implications of the new salary structure are unclear now. Generally, teachers constitute a considerable portion of government employees.
- Therefore, governments looking to emulate Bhutan’s lead will inevitably be asked questions about the financial viability of such a momentous administrative decision.
- The Minister concerned in Tamil Nadu, on educational indices, turned down demands of striking teachers for better pension explaining that wages, pensions, administrative costs and interest repayments already amounted to 71% of the State’s expenditure.
Can India afford a similar policy?
- India currently spends about 3% of its GDP on education, accounting for about 10% of the Centre’s and States’ budgetary expenses.
- Salaries constitute a large portion of this expenditure.
- The NITI Aayog in its report last year recommended that India raise this to 6% of GDP by 2022. Paying teachers (and doctors) significantly higher salaries may seem like a tall order, but the Central and State governments could consider rationalising both teacher recruitment and allocation of funds to existing programmes.
- Some programmes may have outlived their purpose, while others could be pared down or better directed. In fact, improving accountability in the system could free up huge savings.
- A World Bank study found that teacher absenteeism in India was nearly 24%, which costs the country about $1.5 billion annually.
- Absenteeism could be the result of many factors, including teachers taking up a second job or farming to boost incomes, providing parental or nursing care in the absence of support systems, or lacking motivation.
- The incentive of an enviable income which is girded with unsparing accountability could mitigate many ills that plague the system, free fiscal space and help meet important national developmental objectives.
Education system in Delhi
- Piloting a policy of such consequence may also be easier in a smaller State, say Delhi.
- Education is a key focus area for the Delhi government; the State invests 26% of its annual budget in the sector (much more than the national average).
- The administration has also worked on improving teacher motivation as a strategy for better educational outcomes. The base has been set.
- The political leadership in the State, which is unafraid of the bold and big in the social sector, could build on this.
- Moreover, since the State is highly urban and well-connected, it would be easier to enforce accountability measures, which must underpin so heavy an expenditure.
Way forward
- Ultimately, no investment that enables an educated, healthy, responsible and happy community can be deemed too high by any society.
- The short-term GDP-minded would do well to consider these words in OECD’s ‘Education at a Glance 2018’ report: The quality of education can be a strong predictor of a country’s economic prosperity.
- Shortfalls in academic achievement are extremely costly, as governments must then find ways to compensate for them, and ensure the social and economic welfare of all.
- Governments intent on improving the quality of education they offer must step out of incrementalism in policy-making.
- Improving teacher status by offering top notch salaries to attract the
best to the profession could be that revolutionary policy-step forward,
which Bhutan has shown a willingness to take.
Online Coaching for UPSC PRE Exam
General Studies Pre. Cum Mains Study Materials
Prelims Questions:
Q.1) With respect to “International Boxing Association (AIBA)”, consider
the following statements:
1. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has recently stripped Olympic
status from the troubled world boxing body AIBA.
2. Its headquarters is in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both
D. None
Answer: C
Mains Questions:
Q.1) Is the recent proposal in Bhutan on salary hike, part of a coherent
strategy, or an inspired announcement that is resolute in intent but likely
effete in effect?
Q.2) Is it possible to demonstrate that improving the status of the teaching
profession positively influences educational outcomes?