THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 26 September 2019 (The attack on agroecology (The Hindu))

The attack on agroecology (The Hindu)

Mains Paper 3: Economy
Prelims level: Agroecology
Mains level: Uses of Agroecology technology in agricultural practices


  •  Agroecology is described as a system that enhances fertile landscapes, increases yields, restores soil health and biodiversity, promotes climate resilience and improves farmer’ income.
  •  One of the techniques of agroecology is Zero Budget Natural Farming wherein no chemicals are used to grow crops.
  •  In this context, it is necessary to understand the need for such techniques, the related issue and the way forward.

Need for agroecology techniques:

  •  The friendly insects present in the agriculture fields are bearing the brunt of chemical pesticides and fertilizers.
  •  It helps to reduce water pollution due to chemicals.
  •  It also helps to reduce soil depletion.
  •  Recently, the Indian National Academy of Agricultural Sciences has sent a letter to the Indian Prime Minister opposing ZBNF which is a practice of agroecology accepted by various agricultural scientists, Food and Agriculture Organisation,

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC):

  •  It is alleged that the implementation of agroecology techniques can put the markets of pesticides, fertilisers etc down which are owned by big industrialists.

Way forward

  •  Thus keeping in view all of these problems it is suggested that the onus lies on the government to compensate the fertilizers, pesticides and seed companies and bring in ZBNF as has been adopted by the Government of Andhra Pradesh.

Prelims Questions:

Q.1) Which among the following best describes INS Sahyadri?
a. It is a torpedo launch and recovery vessel.
b. It is a Shivalik- class stealth multi-role frigate.
c. It is a diesel-electric submarine.
d. It is a Kiev-class aircraft carrier.

Answer: B
Mains Questions:

Q.1) Define agroecology system. Discuss its importance in Indian Agriculture.