(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Medical Sciences (1997)
IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Medical Sciences (1997)
1. Answer any three of the following (each in about
200 words) :
(a) Describe the hip joint under the following headings:
(i) ligaments
(ii) relations
(iii) movements
(iv) applied anatomy (20)
(b) Give an account of the structure, secretion and functions of insulin. (20)
(c) Describe briefly the pathology of malignancies associated with Epstein-Barr
virus. (20)
(d) Mention the dosage, route of administration, metabolism, toxic effects and
pharmaco-kinetics of Ibuprofen. (20)
(e) How will you differentiate between antemortem and postmortem wounds? (20)
(f) Mention the diseases caused by helminth infestation and discuss their
laboratory diagnosis. (20)
(Anatomy, Physiology & Biochemistry)
2. (a) Draw and label a transverse section of abdomen at the level of lumbar one
vertebra. (20)
(b) Define muscle tone, flaccid and spastic muscle. Describe the higher centres
controlling muscle tone. Compare classical and ischaemic decerebration. (20)
(c) Describe the final common pathway by which carbohydrates, proteins and fats
are metabolised. Explain why minimum glucose utilisation is needed even for the
tissues that get their energy from aminoacids and fats. (20)
3. (a) Describe the coronary circulation of heart and add a note on its applied
anatomy. (20)
(b) Discuss the regulation of gastric secretion and motility. (20)
(c) Describe the process of protein synthesis. Name the inhibitors of protein
synthesis along with their site of action. (20)
(Pathology & Microbiology)
4. (a) Describe irreversible and reversible cell injury. (20)
(b) Define the terms sterilisation and disinfection. Describe the principles and
uses of sterilisation by irradiations and vapour phase disinfectants. (30)
5. (a) Define nephrotic syndrome. Enumerate its causes. Give gross and
microscopic picture of kidney amyloidosis. (30)
(b) Describe the bacterial growth curve. (30)
(Pharmacology Forensic Medicine & Toxicology)
6. (a) Write short notes on aspirin. (20)
(b) Explain briefly the mode of action of cephatoxine. (20)
(c) Explain therapeutic uses and clinical toxicity of vincristine. (20)
7. (a) How will you differentiate between true and false virgin. (20)
(b) Describe various clauses of grievous hurt. (20)
(c) Describe the causes of death from wounds. (20)
1. Write short notes on any three of the following
(each in about 200 words) : (3 x 20 = 60)
(a) Enumerate signs of primary thyrotoxicosis.
(b) Discuss severe Acute Asthma.
(c) Post Parturn sterilization.
(d) Discuss various modes of transmission of HIV / AIDS prevalent in India.
(General Medicine)
2. Enumerate the different clinical presentations of Acute Myocardial
Infarction. How will you manage cardiogenic shock? (60)
3. (a) Describe the laboratory parameters for arriving to the etiology of Viral
Hepatitis. (20)
(b) Describe Sideroblastic Anaemia. (20)
(c) Write what you know about Tropical Sprue. (20)
(General Surgery)
4. What are the causes of Portal Hypertension? Outline the current management of
bleeding oesophageal varices. (60)
5. (a) Describe the pathogenesis of varicose ulcer. (20)
(b) Discuss treatment of a child with Wilm's Tumour. (20)
(c) Discuss the pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of Tubercular cervical
lymphadenitis. (20)
(Obstetric and Gynecology including Family Planning)
6. Discuss the etiology, clinical features and management of Stage I Carcinoma
of Cervix. (60)
7. (a) Discuss the indications and complications of outlet forcep application.
(b) How will you access the fallopian tube status in an infertile woman? (20)
(c) Describe the methods of antenatal foetal monitoring. (20)
(Preventive and Social Medicine)
8. Enumerate various causes of Blindness in India. Discuss briefly National
Programme for Prevention of Blindness and Visual Impairment. (60)
9. (a) Define Epidemiology. Discuss the uses of Epidemiology in Community
Medicine. (20)
(b) Describe ib detail Target Free Approach" in Indian Family Welfare
Programme. (20)
(c) Plan a diet for 3-year old normal male child prescribing the amount of
various food-stuffs including the quantity of proteins and calories available in
them. (20)