(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Medical Sciences (1998)

IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Medical Sciences (1998)

1. Answer any three of the following (each in about 200 words) :
(a) Answer any three of the following (each in about 200 words):
(i) Explain why cyanosis does not occur in histotoxic hypoxia.
(ii) Explain briefly how drinking large amounts of plain water leads to an increase in urinary output.
(iii) Explain why cardiac muscle cannot be tetanized.
(iv) Enumerate the advantages of saltatory conduction (20)

(b) Discuss the morphology and manifestations of carcinoid tumour. (20)
(c) Discuss pathogenesis and lab diagnosis of Amoebic liver abscess. (20)
(d) Write a note on drug management of Asthma. (20)
(e) Describe, with the aid of diagram, the metabolic changes in a case of uncontrolled diabetes mellitus. Mention the various biochemical investigations for the diagnosis and follow-up of a diabetic patient. (20)

(f) Name the different cranial nerves. Describe the anatomy of autonomic nervous system with special reference to Gastro-intestinal Tract. (20)

(Anatomy, Physiology & Biochemistry)
2. (a) Why are the trace elements called so? Enumerate the various trace elements required in human nutrition and mention their biochemical role. (20)
(b) Define GFR, giving its normal value. Describe the forces determining GFR. Describe the determination of GFR based on renal clearance method (20)
(c) Write short notes on :
(i) Human placenta
(ii) Draw and label a diagram of cross section of thorax through the angle of Louis. (10 + 10 = 20)

3. (a) Briefly describe the salient features of eukaryotic DNA. What is "Recombinant DNA" ? In your opinion, how does the recombinant DNA technology find practical application in biology and medicine? (20)

(b) Define ECG. Describe the common leads used to record ECG. Describe a normal ECG with the help of a labelled diagram. (20)

(c) Write notes on :
(i) Arterial supply to head and neck of femur
(ii) Descent of testis (10 + 10 = 20)

(Pathology & Microbiology)
4. (a) Classify glomerulonephritis. Give etiopathogenesis and pathology of kidney in rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis. (30)
(b) Discuss etiology, epidemiology and pathogenesis of bacterial food poisoning. (30)

5. (a) Define a granuloma. Discuss the causes and pathogenesis of granulomatous inflammation. (30)
(b) Enumerate the causes of patches in throat. How will you proceed to establish the diagnosis? (30)

(Pharmacology Forensic Medicine & Toxicology)
6. (a) Give mechanism, of action, therapeutic uses and adverse effects of Methotraxate. (20)
(b) What are the indications, contraindications and adverse reactions of Furosemide? (20)
(c) Discuss the mechanism of antimalarial action, therapeutic uses and adverse effects of Chloroquine. (20)

7. (a) Write medico-legal, significance of DNA fingerprinting. (20)
(b) Define 'Rape'. What are the medical findings you may get in an alleged victim aged 10 years? (20)

1. Write short notes on any three of the following (each in about 200 words) : (3 x 20 = 60)
(a) Dementia
(b) Define Hematemesis Enumerate the causes of Hematemesis.
(c) How will you diagnose and trate leucorrhea due to gonococcus and trichomonas infection?
(d) Discuss the concept of social security.

(General Medicine)
2. Discuss Acute Stroke and the principles of its management. (60)

3. (a) Describe the symptoms and signs in Diabetic Autonomic Neuropathy. (20)
(b) Describe Bundle Branch Block. (20)
(c) Describe various laboratory methods used for the diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis. (20)

(General Surgery)
4. Classify Lymphedema. What are the causes of Lymphedema? Give management of a case of Lymphedema due to Filariasis of leg. (60)

5. (a) Discuss complications of Inguinal Hernia. (20)
(b) What is Pscedocyst of the Pancreas? Describe its management. (20)
(c) Enumerate various methods of treatment of kidney stones. (20)

(Obstetric and Gynecology including Family Planning)
6. What is the etiology of high risk pregnancy? How will you diagnose and manage a multigravida with I.U.G.R. at 30 weeks of amenorrhea? (60)

7. (a) What are the different methods of female sterilization ? Describe the procedure of minilap sterilization. (20)
(b) How will you manage the third state of labour? (20)
(c) Enumerate the advantages of vacuum extractor over out-let forceps.(20)

(Preventive and Social Medicine)
8. Enumerate the various National Control Programmes against communicable diseases in India. Describe briefly the National Leprosy Control Programme. (60)

9. Write short notes on:
(a) Management of class III dog bite in an adult (20)
(b) Prevention and control of Rheumatic Fever (20)
(c) Components and uses of Health Information System (20)