(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Medical Sciences (2001)

IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Medical Sciences (2001)

1. Answer any three of the following in not more than 200 words each:
(a) Describe the gross and microscopic anatomy of lung. Add a note on developmental anomalies of lung. (20)
(b) Describe the structure and functions of ovary. (20)
(c) Describe the role of hypothalamus in the control of secretion of pituitary hormones. How is body temperature regulated by the hypothalamus? (20)
(d) What is Michaelis constant? How is the difference in this constant between hexokinase and  glucokinase important in the utilization and regulation of blood glucose levels? What would  have been the consequences if normal distribution of hexokinase and glucokinase in liver and  muscles were reversed? (20)

2. (a) Describe pelvic disphragm. Add a note on supports of uterus. (20)
(b) Describe optic pathways and write a note on development of eyeball. (20)
(c) Write a short note on genotype and phenotype of Turner's syndrome. (20)

3. (a) Compare with the help of a diagram the length -tension relationship for skeletal, cardiac and smooth muslces. What is the latch phenomenon in smooth muscle? (20)

(b) Describe the reflex arcs of stretch and inverse stretch reflexes. What are the differences in the properties of monosynaptic and polysynaptic reflexes? (20)
(c) How are platelets formed? Describe the properties and functions of platelets. (20)

4. (a) Write a transamination reaction. How is this reaction important in amino acid metabolism? Which vitamin is required in this reaction? (20)
(b) Give a flow chart to depict synthesis of mRNA in eucaryote. State the post-transcriptional modifications. (30)
(c) With the help of a diagram depict the metabolic interlinks between chylomicron, VLDL and LDL. (20)

5. Answer any three of the following in not more than 200 words each :
(a) Write differences between beneign and malignant tumours and describe the pathways of spread of cancer. (20)
(b) Discuss briefly basic procedure and clinical applications of polymerase chain reaction. (20)
(c) Describe drug receptor interaction and uses of partial agonists in therapeutics. (20)
(d) What is the medico-legal importance of "Diatom" ? (20)

6. (a) Discuss etiopathogenesis and pathology of peptic ulcer. (20)
(b) Discuss pathogenicity and laboratory diagnosis of Herpes simplex virus infection. (20)
(c) Write briefly about the following :
(i) Tuberculous meningitis
(ii) Candidiasis (10 + 10 = 20)

7. (a) Describe indications, contraindications and adverse effects of ACE inhibitions. (20)
(b) Write indications, contraindications and adverse effects of metronidazole. (20)
(c) Give mechanism of action, therapeutic uses of chloroquine. (20)

8. (a) Classify various types of injuries. How will you estimate age of "Bruise" ?  (20)
(b) Enumerate insecticides used in agriculture. Describe toxic effects of organophosphorus poison in human beings. (20)
(c) Write a note on Exhumation. (20)

(General Medicine, Paediatrics, Dermatology and Preventive and Social Medicine)
1. Write short notes on any five of the following : 
(a) Stress related diseases (12)
(b) Iron Deficiency Anaemia in children (12)
(c) Herpes-Zoster (12)
(d) Management of Tuberculosis Meningitis (12)
(e) Directly observed Treatment Short Course Chemotherapy (DOTS) in Pulmonary Tuberculosis Control Programme. (12)
(f) Computers in medicine. (12)

2. Describe the clinical features and management of Rheumatic fever. (60)

3. Describe National Programme for Control of Blindness. (60)

4. (a) Describe the management of febrile convulsions in children. (20)
(b) How would you establish the diagnosis of leprosy on clinical examination? (20)
(c) Describe the health provisions under ESIS (Employees State Insurance Scheme). (20)

General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology (including Family Planning)

5. Write short notes on any five of the following :
(a) Non-surgical management of BPH (Bening Prostatic Hyperplasia) (12)
(b) Calculation of fluid and electrolyte requirement in a 35-year old male with 40% superficial burns. (12)
(c) Volkman's Ischaemia (12)
(d) Post coital Contraception (12)
(e) Tubal Ligation (12)
(f) DUB (Dysfunction Uterine Bleeding) (12)

6. Classify the types of intestinal obstruction. How would you manage a 20-year old lady with tuberculous structure with perforation in terminal ileum ? (60)

7. Enumerate the complications of 3rd stage of labour. Write in detail the management of PPH (post partum haemorrhage). (60)

8. Write in brief about:
(a) Differential diagnosis of mass in pouch of Douglas (20)
(b) Ischio - Rectal abscess (20)
(c) Work up of a 30-year infertile male (20)