(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Anthropology (2008)

IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Anthropology (2008)

1. Write Short Notes on any Three of the following (Each one should not exceed 200 words):- (20 × 3 = 60)
(a) Biological Anthropology
(b) Protein Synthesis
(c) Forms of descent groups
(d) Structural – functionalism

2. Discuss the modern theory of evolution with special reference to the concepts of gradualism and punctuationalism.(60)
3. Discuss the importance of field work in anthropology and describe various tools of data collection.(60)
4. Discuss the relation between culture and personality.(60)

5. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:(20 × 3 = 60)
(a) Nutritional anthropology
(b) ABO and Rh blood group distribution in human population
(c) Inbreeding
(d) Bioevent of fertility

6. Define adaptability. What bicultural adjustments do human show in coping up with stress at high altitude?(60)
7. What do you understand by ‘Hardy – Weinberg equilibrium? Discuss the factors that produce and redistribute variations.(60)
8. Discuss the role of anthropology in designing defence and other equipments.(60)

1. Write Short Notes on any Three of the following (Each one should not exceed 200 words):-(20 × 3 = 60)
(a) ‘Langhnaj’
(b) The distribution of Indo- Aryan Languages
(c) Paleoanthropological significance of Narmada Man
(d) Concept of Ethnoarchaeology

2. Is Risely’s Racial Classification of Indian population valid? Critically discuss with the help of suitable example.(60)
3. Is Tribe-Caste Continuum a reality or myth? Discuss.(60)
4. Critically examine the concepts of Little and Great Traditions for understanding the Indian Villages.(60)

5. Write Short Notes on any Three of the following (Each one should not exceed 200 words):-(20 × 3 = 60)
(a) Mediterranean Element in India population
(b) Concept of Ethnicity
(c) Tribes as Indigenous Culture
(d) Revivalistic Movement

6. Discuss the health problems faced by tribal populations in India. Suggest some corrective measures.(60)
7. How have modern democratic institutions influenced the Indian tribal societies?(60)
8. What are the special problems of primitive Tribal Groups (PTGs)? How far have the developmental programmes of the government been able to address these? (60)