(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Psychology (1981)
IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Psychology (1981)
1. Answer any three of the following. Each answer should be in about 200 words:
(a) Examine the utility of introspective data in the study of behaviour.
(b) S.S. connections or mental map in animal learning.
(c) What are the main patterns of localization of functions in the brain?
(d) Name and explain the types of errors which affect the study of sensory thresholds.
2. Explain the main areas of application and the limitations of psychology in the social and economic development of society.
3. Examine the physiological affects of emotional arousal, the external influences, and the internal control of emotions in the light of the fact that they (emotions) are significant in making life exciting, challenging and demanding?
4. Examine the role of endocrine and social learning mechanisms in the formation of personality.
5. Answer any three of the following. Each answer should be in about 200 words:
(a) Describe the techniques for the study of concept formation in children.
(b) Explain the lowest common denomination of learning Guthrie's system.
(c) Give examples with explanations for the 2-factor theory of intelligence.
(d) What is probability learning? Give examples for this kind of learning from human and animal
6. In what respects do the major learning theories differ from one another.
7. Coming to think of the vast array of materials you have learnt, how do you retain and recall them as will? What psychological and physiological mechanisms are involved?
8. Explain Guildford's model of human intellect and point out its contribution to our understanding of
1. Attempt any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Explain the existential theory and its implications to modern psychology.
(b) Describe Likert's technique of attitude measurement and compare it with that of
(c) Briefly describe semantic differential technique in social psychological research.
(d) Describe the determinant of the Rorschach Test which assess Introversion and Extroversion.
2. 'Modern Psychology has outlived the schools'. Explain with reference to the current trends in modern psychological research and the recent counterparts of the schools in psychological theory and applications.
3. Evaluating the different approaches to the assessment of personality, examine how far the factor approach as propounded by Cattell explains the nature of the personality.
4. How do the determinants and the dynamics of personality as explained by Murray compare with the
basic tenets of Allport?
5. Write short notes on any three of the following. Each in about 200 words:
(a) Reliability and validity of projective tests
(b) Personnel selection in industries
(c) Personality adjustment and school achievement
(d) Drug addiction
6. 'Modem community psychiatry emphasizes the importance of the social environment in determining and changing human behaviour'. Explain with reference to current trends in preventive psychiatric treatment.
7. Discuss modern behaviour therapy stating its salient features. Explain in what sort of cases this is most effective. State also countra-indications, if any.
8. Leadership is best conceived as an interpersonal phenomenon of role relationships within a group rather than as personal attribute or aspect of an individual. Examine the statement.