(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Psychology (1982)
IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Psychology (1982)
1. Answer any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Examine the problems and difficulties of experimental method in studying human
behaviour. Suggest remedies.
(b) Throw light on the role of glands-in emergency action of the organism.
(c) Describe experimental evidences on the fluctuations of two brain hemispheres,
(d) Explain the "plasticity of visual system".
2. "There is no single theory of vision which attempts to account for all the visual phenomena"-Discuss with experimental evidence.
3. Examine whether the central nervous system develops in a fixed way or that its development can be changed by systematically manipulating the environment. Does this mean that the brain can be either impaired or improved?
4. Discuss the value of co-twin studies in understanding the influence of genetic factors in the
development of personality.
5. Answer any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) How do the experimental findings of Harlow (1949) with monkeys; and Lewinsoni and Rees
(1963) with young children, explain the phenomenon of the "learning set"?
(b) Examine the statement that forgetting is more due to dynamic motivational factors of
personality rather due to more disuse or lapse of time
(c) Describe emotions in terms of their basic dimensions.
(d) Examine the role of "set" in thinking.
6. Critically comment on the following:
(a) Tolman claims his system to be "genuine behaviourism" and
(b) That it is molar than a molecular types of behaviourism.
7. What is intelligence? How is its organization explained?
8. Briefly explain the main principles which determine and affect human motivation, citing illustrations
taken from day-to-day life.
1. Attempt any three of the following. Each answer should not exceed 200 words:
(a) Compare classical conditioning with instrumental conditioning bringing out their
contributions to modern psychology.
(b) State and examine the theoretical systems constructed by Skinner and Hull on learning.
(c) Do you think, the Gestalt school is a reaction to any other school in interpreting human
behaviour? Give reasons.
(d) Lewin's concept of Psychological field is mainly based on his concept of dynamic
interactional matrix. Explain.
2. The empirical data on human behaviour available today enable us to proceed with systematic theory building without necessarily belonging to any of the schools". Evaluate.
3. Describe the nature and main determinants of personality and discuss Eysenck's account of the dimensions of personality.
4. Discuss how far personality inventories like M.M.P.I, and the 16 P.F. are effective means of
assessing personality.
5. Answer any three of the following. No answer shall exceed 200 words:
(a) Describe the different steps involved in devising a Thurstonian scale of attitude measurement
and comment on its utility.
(b) Explain the role of the psychologist in social change and national development.
(c) "Current trends in family therapy, group therapy and the encounter movement have opened
up new horizons in community psychiatry". Comment.
(d) "Differential diagnosis of psychoneurosis, psychosis and psychosomatic disorders depends on
symptomatology and one's theoretical orientation." Elucidate.
6. Discuss the effectiveness of psycho-analytic therapy. Compare it with modern behaviour therapy bringing out the merits and demerits of both.
7. Briefly discuss the recent studies on the motivation of the culturally and socially deprived school children and the implications for modern education.
8. "The man machine system" has been subjected to considerable study and research in the area of organisational behaviour. Explain the statement bringing out the salient features of human engineering.