(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Psychology (1986)
IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Psychology (1986)
1. Answer any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Describe the nature and types of variables in psychological experiments. Discuss the problem
relating to single and multiple variables in psychological experimentation. Illustrate your
(b) Enumerate the similarities and differences in the functioning of the two cerebral hemispheres
in human beings and explain the phenomenon of cerebral dominance. Cite experimental
evidences in this context,
(c) Critically evaluate the concept of homeostasis and drive reduction theory of motivation.
(d) How do you measure the RL and DL of any sense modality? What is the Weber-Fechner
Law? Has it got any relevance in real life situation?
2. The complex action and interaction of pituitary and adrenal glands with nervous system play a crucial role in the integration of bodily responses. Discuss. Is this syndrome in any way connected with personality development?
3. Examine and evaluate the different theories of emotion citing experimental evidences. What role do the cognitive factors play in rousing and sustaining emotions?
4. What can we inherit? Discuss the various difficulties in isolating the hereditary characteristics from
the acquired ones, in some crucial cognitive and personality structures?
5. Answer any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Evaluate the two-process theories of Memory.
(b) Discuss the role of set in thinking with experimental evidences. Do mental sets guarantee
correct thinking?
(c) Is it possible to separate creativity from intelligence? Cite evidences. How do you measure
creativity as different from intelligence?
(d) Describe the various steps in constructing and standardizing an attitude scale on a given
population. Does sampling procedure create any difficulties in this context?
6. External determinants of stimulus may lead to attention but internal determinants make perception meaningful. Discuss. Describe the factors responsible for wrong perception.
7. What are the essential features of S-R approach in learning skills? Can it explain all complex learning in human beings? If not suggest other approaches supposed to account for human learning.
8. Discuss the various theories regarding the levels of ability components of intelligence. How are they
related to age and mental development of an individual?
1. Write short notes on any three of the following (each answer should not exceed 200 words):
(a) Salient features of basic and applied areas of Psychology developed in post-Independence
(b) Lewin's theory of structure of personality.
(c) Validity and reliability of Interview for personality assessment.
(d) Steps for mental health promotion programmes.
2. Distinguish between the concepts of trait, type and dimension as used in theories of personality. Discuss any one theory of personality based on one of the above concepts.
3. Examine the contributions of psychoanalysis and behaviourism to the development of psychological thought How far are these two classical schools relevant today in the crucial and critical problems faced by our society?
4. Discuss the different models of behavioural stress seeking to explain psychosomatic disorders.
Illustrate through examples of specific symptoms-behavioural syndromes of proneness to Coronary
Heart diseases.
5. Write short answer to any three of the following (each not exceeding 200 words):
(a) The socially disadvantaged student-their motivational problems.
(b) Behaviour therapy-cognitive Behaviour Modification and Meditation.
(c) Job attitude versus job behaviour.
(d) Affiliation motivation and implementation of Integrated Rural Development Programmes
6. Analyse the concept of prejudice and discuss caste or religious prejudice in India. Briefly trace the development of prejudice in children.
7. What are the motivation bases for economics development of a society? Also discuss the applicability or otherwise of concept of the Protestant Ethic in this context.
8. What do you mean by organizational climate? Is it a unitary or multidimensional concept? How far does the theory of open system help our understanding of organizational climate?