(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Psychology (1993)
IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Psychology (1993)
1. Answer any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Is it possible to apply psychological principles to help in solving human problems fordeveloping a fair, peaceful and satisfying society?
(b) How are rules useful in solving problems? How do people make decisions about an uncertain
(c) Define perception. Differentiate between different types of perceptual distortions.
(d) Describe the case history method and its importance in clinical diagnosis.
2. What is cognitive approach to learning? How do latent learning, insight and imitation differ from each other? Illustrate cognitive approach to learning.
3. Explain the various stages of the information processing models of memory. What are the characteristics of each stage and how each stage is related to one another?
4. Discuss in detail the contribution of nature and nurture in the development of human behaviour
giving suitable examples. Give your views in this regard.
5. Answer any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) State the contributions of Francis Galton to mental testing.
(b) How did the Neo-Freudians improve upon the orthodox Freudian analysis of personality?
(c) "Computer programme is the artificial intelligence". Explain.
(d) Explain the role of dissonance arousal in prejudice.
6. State the various types of social motives the individual develops. How social motives are important in helping us to understand the behavioural differences among people?
7. What is communication? Discuss the importance of language and other effective modes of communication.
8. Explain the different models of man and their implications for behavioural change.
1. Answer any three questions of the following (Each answer should not exceed 200 words):
(a) Examine the methods of reliability and validity of psychological tests. Does one guarantee
the other?
(b) Critically examine the relative efficacy of different leadership styles in management. Offer
your own views in the matter.
(c) What are essential social and psychological characteristics of change proneness? Illustrate
your answer with a special reference to a certain personality syndrome,
(d) What are the components of work motivation? Does it mainly depend on financial
2. Discuss the basic differences between psychotic and neurotic behaviour disorders. Can the same line of treatment be used in treating both types of cases?
3. Discuss the psychological characteristics of a group. How does interactional process analysis measure group dynamics?
4. What are the psychological and social factors behind the resistances of change? Draw up an action
programme to remove the resistances in changing common stereotypes.
5. Answer any three of the following (Each answer should not exceed 200 words):
(a) How would you differentiate mentally retarded children from the normal in a classroom
situation? Suggest measures both at home and school for successful training of such children.
(b) Do you agree with the view that prejudice is an essential element of a certain personality
syndrome? How does it develop in home situation?
(c) Discuss the psychological and social problems of the Aged. Draw up a rehabilitation and
counselling programme for them.
(d) Describe the motivational problems of the disadvantaged children. What ameliorative steps
need be taken both at home and school to meet this deficiency?
6. Criticality examine the view that adolescent period is marked by greater emotional instability and social protest syndrome. Describe the remedial measures to handle this programme.
7. Describe the factors both at home and outside which create and strengthen achievement motivation. Is it in any way related to entrepreneur syndrome?
8. Is drug addiction basically a deviant coping mechanism? State the psychological and social factors which have to be tackled for the successful rehabilitation of drug addicts.