(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Agriculture (1995)
IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Agriculture (1995)
1. Write short critical notes in about 200 words each on any three of the following:
(a) Agro-forestry
(b) Cardinal temperature
(c) Cropping system
(d) Lodging in cereal
2. Write the characteristics and the process of formation of saline and alkali soils. How these soils can be cultivated for efficient crop production?
3. Enumerate the ill-effects of weed competition in field crops and briefly describe the methods of their control.
4. Describe critically the following:
(a) Rationing in sugarcane
(b) Unstability in pulse production
(c) Nitrogen fixation in legume
5. Write short critical notes in about 200 words each on any three of the following:
(a) Soil fertility evaluation
(b) Cooperative marketing
(c) Wasteland management
(d) Agricultural extension training
6. Discuss the sources of water logging and its effect on soil physical conditions. Explain the techniques of scheduling irrigation in field crops.
7. Describe the technological changes required for stability of crop production under rainfed agriculture. Also explain measures to be adopted to achieve the food production by 2000 A.D.
8. Discuss farm management and its problem under Indian conditions. What are typical farm
management decisions required by the farmers of large size holdings?
1. Answer any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) What is seed certification? Give a critical account of procedures of seed certification and how
the genetic purity of seed is maintained.
(b) Briefly discuss the importance of male sterility in the improvement of crop plants.
(c) Discuss the relative photosynthetic efficiency of C-3 and C-4 plants.
(d) Critically discuss sex-linked, sex-limited and sex-influenced characters.
2. (a) What are post-harvest losses ? How can such losses can be minimised in India?
(b) What do you understand by "buffer stock"? What are the facilities for storage of grains in
(c) What is the of origin of maize and cotton? Describe the methodology for production of
hybrids seeds in each.
3. (a) What is the practical value of apical dominance ?
(b) What is the place of origin, translocation, effect on plant growth and mode of disintegration
of natural auxins in plants?
(c) What do you understand from vertical and horizontal resistance? Give suitable examples on
their utilisation in various crops,
4. Write short notes on:
(a) Idiotype
(b) Vernalisation
(c) Senescence
(d) Diallele cross
(e) GATT agreement
(f) Feeding habits of insects
5. Answer any three of the following in about 200 words on each:
(a) Mention the food production and consumption trends in India. Support your answer with
figures and tables.
(b) What is balanced diet? Give, in tabular form, the caloric requirements of various groups of
persons depending on age and load of work.
(c) Define botanical pesticides. Give examples of their successful use in integrated pest and
disease management.
(d) How do plant mycoplasmas differ from bacteria and viruses? How was mycoplasmal etiology
proved in India? Mention the principles of control of mycoplasmal disease.
6. (a) Explain in brief:
(i) What will be the effect of excessive use of fertilizers on the soil?
(ii) What will be the effect of excessive irrigation on the production of crop?
(b) Enumerate the causes of low productivity in Indian agriculture. How can the agricultural
productivity be improved by new technologies?
(c) Critically discuss with, suitable examples seed-borne pathogens and their controls.
7. (a) What is the origin of mango, grape and tomato ? Mention the names of their cultivated
varieties and packages of practices including plant protection measures; also mention their
yield per hectare.
(b) What do you understand from organic fanning?
(c) Suggest the vegetables to be grown in kitchen gardens located in Trivandrum, Jaipur and
Shimla. Give reasons for your choice.
8. Write explanatory notes on any six of the following:
(a) Global warming
(b) Synthetic pyrethroids
(c) Root-stocks
(d) Plant quarantine
(e) Black arm of cotton
(f) Rice Tungro
(g) Cross protection
(h) Water economy