(Syllabus) MPPSC : Syllabus For Criminology & Forensic Science Mains Examination (Optional)
Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission
Syllabus For Indian Criminology & Forensic Science Mains Examination (Optional)
Criminology & Forensic Science (Code
No. 20)
1. Criminology - Definition and scope
2. Crime trends in India (with reference to National Crime Records Bureau)
3. Crimes against children (Nature, extent and legal provisions)
4. Crimes against women (Nature, extent and legal provisions)
5. Crimes against Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Nature, extent and legal provisions)
6. Pre-classical theories of crime
7. Classical theories of crime - Theories of hedonism and deterrence.
8. Positive theories of crime - Constitutional and morphological theories, psychological and psychoanalytical theories.
9. Sociological theories of crime - Differential Association and Anomie.
10. Radical theories of crime - Labelling theory, etc .
11. Punishment - Definition, theories and types
12. Non-institutional treatment of offenders - Probation, temporary release and parole.
13. Institutional treatment of offenders
14. Prisons in India - organisation, Type and functions
15. Correctional services for jail inmates
16. Juvenile institutional and non- institutional services
17. Victims of crime and victim-compensation
18. Crime prevention planning
1. Fingerprints - Patterns and types, development, lifting, preservation and comparison.
2. Foot and foot-wear prints - Importance, gait-pattern, preservation, lifting, casting and comparison .
3.Tyre and track marks - Importance, preservation and comparison.
4. Questioned documents - Types and examination, procurement of control samples, alterations, charred documents, class and individual characteristics of hand- riting, typed, printed and photo-stat matters and their comparison, indented writing and its development, disguised writing, seal and rubber stamp.
5. Firearms in criminal activities, classification, components of firearms, smooth-bore and rifled firearms, types and structure of cartridge, preservation and forensic examination of firearm, bullet and shell case. Gunshot residues, estimation of range of firing. Tool marks – Type, Identification and Comparative Study
6. Poisons and toxicology - Definition, classification, types of poisoning, visceral samples for toxicological examinations, isolation and clean-up procedures, analysis of opiates, cannabis, dhatura, nux-vomica, ethyl alcohol, barbiturates insecticides, arsenic, mercury, lead and zinc.
7. Composition and analysis of blood , semen , saliva, urine and hair.
8. Composition and analysis of fibre , glass , paint , soil and cement
9. Forensic evidence on clothes , bed linen , curtain & towel
10. Death investigation - Types of death , medico-legal causes, determination of sex & age, post mortem procedure, post mortem changes.
11. Wounds - Types and chacteristics , ante mortem and post mortem wounds.
12. Scientific investigation of un natural deaths ( accidental , suicidal and homicidal ), sexual offences, arson and explosive cases.
13. D.N.A. Profiling - Structure of D.N.A , D.N.A. as marker , methods of D.N.A. profiling , forensic applications.
14. Polygraphy, narco-analysis and brain mapping as an investigating aids .