UPSC Mains Law Paper Topic : Law of the Sea
- Write short note : Exclusive Economic Zone. (93/I/8a/20)
- 2. Elaborate the new concepts laid down by the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea (UNCOS III). Point out the dissenting opinions that prevent full realization of the substantive recommendations of this Conference. (94/I/6b/30)
- Write short note : Transit passage (95/I/8b/20)
- “The exclusive economic zone is sui generis and although not territorial, it nevertheless, importantly modifies the regime of the High Seas over which it extends.” Critically examine this statement drawing attention to the special features and legal incidents of this new maritime zone as established by the UN Sea Law Convention 1982. (96/I/5d/20)
- “The theory of extra-territoriality is not the correct basis of the immunities and privileges which the diplomatic agents enjoy.” Do you agree with this view? Give reasons. (97/I/6b/30)
- “Although there can be a Continental Shelf where there is no E.E.Z., there cannot be an E.E.Z. without a corresponding Continental Shelf. It follows that for juridical and practical reasons, the distance criterion must now apply to the Continental Shelf as well as to the E.E.Z., and this is quite apart from provision as to distance in para 1 of Art. 76 (Sea Law Convention 1982)” - 39 (Main) Law—Topic Wise Paper I.C.J. in Libya/ Malta case concerning the Continental Shelf - I.C.J. Ref. 1985 p 13 Critically examine the above observations of the International Court and consider whether they entail any departure from the law as expounded by the court in the 1969 Continental Shelf cases. (97/I/6a/30)
- The British ship Scotia collided in midocean with the American ship Berkshire which was not carrying the lights required by the law. Decide the fault and liability under appropriate principles of international law. (98/I/7a/20)
- Examine the principal achievements of the United Nations Convention on the Law of Sea of 1982 and their significance for India. (99/I/6/60)
- ‘The legal regime of the Continental Shelf has undergone profound changes.’ What is the present concept of Continental Shelf? (02/I/5c/20)
- Explain the juridical basis of claim of a coastal state over the continental shelf in the light of North Sea Continental shelf cases decision. (03/I/6b/20)
- “The Law of Sea Convention 1982, does not bestow on landlocked states any definite right of transit.” Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons. (04/I/7a/30)
- Explain the scope of the concept of freedom of the High Seas and discuss also the legality of nuclear tests in the areas of High Sea. (04/I/5d/20)
- Define ‘Continental Shelf and distinguish it from ‘Exclusive Economic Zone’. Critically evaluate the rights and obligations of coastal states in the Exclusive Economic Zone. (07/I/7a/30)
- Write explanatory note : Territorial Sea (07/I/8a/20)
- “Vessels on the high seas are subject to no authority except that of the State whose flag they fly. In virtue of the freedom to the sea, that is to say, the absence of any territorial sovereignty upon the high seas, no State may exercise any kind of jurisdiction over foreign vessels upon them.” Give a critical appraisal of this principle in the light of the case law and views of the International Law Commission. (11/I/6b/30)
- Explain the right and duties of coastal state over continental shelf, exclusive economic zone and high seas as defined under the provisions of UN Convention on law of Sea (III), 1982. (13/I/5c/10)