THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 14 July 2020 Gains from rains: on monsoon performance (The Hindu)

Gains from rains: on monsoon performance (The Hindu)

Mains Paper 1: Geography 
Prelims level: India Meteorological Department
Mains level: Important Geophysical phenomena


  • As of the most recent data available from the India Meteorological Department (IMD), rainfall during the season has been 14% more than what is usual for this period. 
  • The month of June only accounts for about 17% of the monsoon rainfall spanning June-September. 
  • It is the month during which the monsoon sets in and that process can sometimes be delayed for as much as a week. 

Two branches:

  • June is also when the monsoon begins its journey from two extremities of the country. 
  • One branch starts its journey northwards from Kerala and the other wing — called the Bay of Bengal branch — enters India from the southeast. 
  • Both branches eventually converge in the north and usually, this merging and strengthening of the monsoon currents over the mainland takes at least until July 15. 
  • The IMD never forecasts the possible rainfall likely during June because of the vagaries involved in onset and the pace of the journey. 
  • This year, two significant things happened. 
  • The monsoon set in at a textbook date of June 1. 
  • This was even after concerns that Cyclone Amphan that had ravaged West Bengal would delay the monsoon’s entry into India from the Andaman Sea. 
  • The second factor was the record pace at which the monsoon covered the country. 
  • Along with the monsoon onset this year, the IMD announced a revision to the onset and withdrawal dates across several cities. 
  • According to this, the monsoon covered India’s northern and western borders no later than July 8 as opposed to the previous historical date of July 15. 
  • This year, however, the monsoon broke even this speed limit and covered the country by June 25 — at a pace that was unprecedented since 2013.

Signalling farmers:

  • The net result of all this: more rainy days in June and a fairly even distribution across the country. 
  • The IMD’s records show that only on four days in that month did daily rainfall drop below its historical normal. 
  • Except for northwest India, which is staring at a 3% deficit, the rainfall in east, south and central India has posted surpluses of 13%-20%. 
  • While good rains in June signal farmers to prepare the soil and sow kharif crop, the most important months are July and August. 
  • These two months account for two-thirds of the monsoon rain. This is also the time the monsoon goes into so-called ‘break’ conditions. 


  • Prolonged breaks, or an absence of rainfall, can even lead to drought. 
  • In spite of significant improvements in data gathering and technological advancement, meteorological agencies cannot yet reliably forecast the advent of a break or how long it can last. 
  • What is critical is that ‘normal rains’ also obscurethe possibility of heavy rains or severe droughts in districts or over larger areas. 
  • Therefore, short and medium range forecasts need to be strengthened and effectively communicated to the people.


Prelims Questions:

Q.1) With reference to the Sports, consider the following statements:

1. Foreign and Indian coaches for training Indian Athletes will now have a four-year contract in alignment with the Olympic cycle. 
2. The 4-year contract of coaches will be given on the basis of the performance of a coach and recommendation from the respective National Sports Federation (NSFs). 

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Answer: C

Mains Questions:

Q.1) Highlights the nature of Indian Monsoon phenomenon. What is the role of monsoon on the Indian economy?