UPSC Mains Law Paper Topic : Protection and
Improvement of the Human
Environment: International Efforts
- “A system of international environmental law has emerged, rather than simply more international rules about the environment.” To what extent does the observation reflect the results of the Rio Conference? (95/I/5c/20)
- Discuss the concept of ‘sustainable development’ highlighting contents of the Rio Declaration [UNCED] relating to protection of human environment. (03/I/7a/30)
- Assess the contribution of the Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development (W.S.S.D.- August, 2002 ) and New Delhi 8th Conference of the Parties (C.O.P.-8 October, 2002) in combating climate change. (04/I/7b/30)
- The 1972 Stockholm “Declaration on Human Environment” and “Action Plan on Human Environment” create a new relation-ship of rights and obligations between developed and developing countries. Explain. (05/I/7b/30)
- “The general principles and (Main) Law—Topic Wise Paper 50 prescriptions of International Law are not without applicability to problems of transnational pollution - an environmental degradation. Thus fundamental principle of international limits action by one State which would cause injury in the territory of another state “ “There has been general recognition of the Rule that a State must not permit the use of its territory for purposes injurious to the interest of another State “ Explain. (08/I/7b/30)
- Write short note on Manila Declaration, 1982. (09/I/8c/20)
- The Stockholm Conference of 1972 on the human environment served to identify those areas in which rules of International environment law, acceptable to international community as a whole can be laid down, and as well as those areas in which the formation of environmental rules must encounter insurmountable obstacles. Discuss the principles of international environment law proclaimed in the Stockholm Declaration. (11/I/5c/15)