(QUIZ) Polity MCQs : Fundamental Rights
(QUIZ) Polity MCQs : Fundamental Rights
1.Consider the following statements.
A right is a legal claim that a citizen or any other individual is granted by the constitution or any statute.
Rights are the essence of democracy as they empower the individuals & enable to develop.
Rights are associated with equality in contemporary times & estabish a level playing field among the people.
Right to education became fundamental right by the insertion of Art 21A by the constitution 86th Amendment Act 2002.
Which of the above statement are incorrect.
1 & 2 only
1 & 3 only
2 & 3 only
4 None of the above
2.Consider the following statements.
Natural rights are universal rights which are inherent in every individual being a part of human nature.
Civil rights are the rights that a citizen of a country enjoy & are conferred by the constitution or the law of the country.
Article 15, 16, 19, 20 & 29 in the Chapter on Fundamental Rights in the Indian constitution (Part III) are available to Indian citizen only.
Human Rights are contained in United Nations universal declaration of Human Rights 1948.
Which of the above statement is / are correct.
1 & 4 only
1 & 3 only
1, 3 & 4 only
4 All of the above
3.Which of the following statements is incorrect.
The concept of Fundamental Rights are borrowed from American Constitution where they are found in the Bill of Rights.
If Fundamental Rights are violated the aggrieved individual can approach the Supreme Court of India directly.
Supreme Court of India can issue the Writs in defence of Fundamental rights as well as for other rights outside Part III of the constitution.
Fundamental Rights include individual & group rights are common to most liberal democracies.
4.Consider the following statements.
In 1928, a series of All Party Conferen-ces headed by Motilal Nehru drafted a constitutional scheme, called the Nehru Report.
In 1931, the Indian National Conference in its Karachi Session committed it which included social & economic rights in favour of the lower castes & for a living wage for the workers.
Which of the above statement is / are incorrect.
1 only
2 only
Both 1 & 2
4 Neither 1 nor 2
5.Consider the following statements.
In the Golak Nath case ruling the Supreme Court held that Parliament could not amend the Fundamental Rights as these rights enjoy a “transcendental” status under the Indian Constitution.
In the Keshvananda Bharti Case Supreme Court permited ‘limited power to the Parliament’ to amend the Fundamental Rights.
Which of the above statement is / are incorrect.
1 only
2 only
3 Both 1 & 2
4 Neither 1 nor 2