IGNOU HISTORY NOTES : India History From 8th to Mid 15th Century - India Language and Literature

IGNOU HISTORY Study Notes for IAS, UPSC Exams

History India From 8th to Mid 15th Century

India Language and Literature


31.0 Objectives
31.1 Introduction
31.2 Arabic and Persian
31.3 Sanskrit
31.4 North India
31.4.1 Hindi
31.4.2 Urdu
31.4.3 Punjabi
3 1.5 Western India
31.5.1 %uj&
315.2 Marathi
31.6 Eastern India
31.6.1 Bengali
31.6.2 Asaunek
31.6.3 Ckiya
3 1.7 South Indian Languages
31.7.1 Td
31.7.2 Teluy
31.7.3 Kamada
31.7.4 Malayalam
31.8 Let Us Sum Up
31.9 Key Words
31.10 Answers to Cbeck Your Progress Exercises


In this unit, we will discuss the languages and literatme tbat flourished m India during the
16th to mid 18th centuries. Aftea gomg through this unit you will: ,.
be able to appreciate the variety and richness of literam produced during the period
under study;
know about the main literary works in India in the following languages:
Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Sanskrit, HiLdi, Punjabi, Bengali, Assamese, Oriya, Tamil,
Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada; and
.a be familiar wit. some of the main historians, writers and poets writing in the above


The Mughal rule created some semblance of political unity m India. Further, it not only
encouraged an integtated internal matket and an increase m foreign trade, but also generated
an atmosphere of creative intellectual activity. Apart from the Empexors, the Mughal princes
and nobles, too, patronised literary activity. Tbe regional com.of the Rajput Rajas and the '
Deccan and South Indian rulers also did not lag bebind. Mainly inspired by the Bbaldi
.movement, a parallel popular litmature m different veanacnlar languages alsd developed
during this period.
We have already discussed historical works in Persian and other languages m Block 1. In
this unit, we will confine ourselves to literature other th* bistoricd warks.
It would not be possible for us to take adcount of all the languages m which litmatun was
bemg written. Qur main objective will be to highlight important literary works m tbe
different parts of the corntry.

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Courtesy: eGyanKosh