Punjab PSC CSAT-2018: Papers-II
(Papers) Punjab PSC : CSAT Paper-2 2018
- Punjab State Civil Services Combined
- Competitive Examination-2018
- Exam Name :-Punjab State Civil Services Combined Competitive Exam
- Subject :- CSAT Paper-II
- Year :- 2018
Directions (Questions no. 1 to 5) : Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :
In July 1921, Tagore returned home from Europe. He was alarmed to find that many members of the staff at Santiniketan had enthusiastically embraced the non-co-operation movement, thus giving themselves up to ‘narrow nationalist ideas that were already out of date’. In the first week of September, Gandhi met Tagore at his family home in Calcutta. They had a long and argumentative conversation about non-co-operation. C. F. Andrews, who was present, wrote that they had ‘a difference of temperament so wide that it was extremely difficult to arrive at a common intellectual standing, though the moral ties of friendship remained entirely unbroken…’. Tagore later recalled that he had told Gandhi that ‘the whole world is suffering today from the cult of a selfish and short-sighted nationalism. India has all down her history offered hospitality to the invader of whatever nation, creed or colour. I have come to believe that, as Indians, we not only have much to learn from the West but that we also have something to contribute. We dare not therefore shut the West out. But we still have to learn among ourselves how, through education, to collaborate and achieve a commonunderstanding’.
Gandhi’s answer is not recorded. But apparently Tagore was not satisfied, since he chose to make his criticisms public in the influential Calcutta journal Modern Review. In his recent travels in the West, said Tagore, he had met many people who sought ‘to achieve the unity of man, by destroying the bondage of nationalism’. He had ‘watched the faces of European students all aglow with the hope of a united mankind…’. Then he returned home, to be confronted with a political movement suffused with negativity. Are ‘we alone to be content with telling the beads of negation’, asked Tagore, ‘harping on other’s faults and proceeding with the erection of Swaraj on a foundation
of quarrelsomeness?’ Gandhi responded immediately, defending the non-co-operation movement as ‘a refusal to co-operate with the English administrators on their own terms. We say to them, “Come and co-operate with us on
our terms, and it will be well for us, for you and the world”. … A drowning man cannot save others. In order to be fit to save others, we must try to save ourselves. Indian nationalism is not exclusive, nor aggressive, nor destructive. It is health-giving, religious and therefore humanitarian. India must learn to live before she can aspire to die for humanity. The mice which helplessly find themselves between the cat’s teeth acquire no merit from their enforced sacrifice.’
1. What did Tagore initially make of the non-co-operation movement ?
(a) The movement was based on refreshing ideas that ought to beembraced.
(b) The movement didn’t deserve a thought or contemplation.
(c) The movement was guilty of accepting an outdated ideology of narrow nationalism.
(d) The movement convinced him about failure of Gandhi as a massleader.
2. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage ?
(a) Tagore considered the movement as a setback to the promising signs for humanity he saw in Europe.
(b) Gandhi and Tagore couldn’t argue with each other as a sign of respect for the other.
(c) After meeting Gandhi, Tagore was convinced of the virtues and potential of the non-co-operation movement.
(d) Gandhiji refused to respond after Tagore went public with his critique of the movement.
3. According to Mahatma Gandhi, which adjective was not a suitable characteristic of Indian nationalism ?
(a) Inclusive
(b) Humanitarian
(c) Religious
(d) Aggressive
4. “The mice which helplessly find themselves between the cat’s teeth acquire no merit from their enforced sacrifice.” What can be inferred from this statement ?
(a) Brave men are, in truth, cowards.
(b) Weak people deserve no praise for not fighting back.
(c) A small animal is eaten by the large animal.
(d) India can easily dominate Europe.
5. When and where did Tagore meet Gandhi after returning from Europe ?
(a) Madras, October 1921
(b) Delhi, July 1921
(c) Calcutta, July 1921
(d) Calcutta, September 1921
Directions (Questions no. 6 to 10) : Read the given passage carefully and based on the paragraph answer the questions that follow :
The India-China relationship has always been too complex to classify under a single theme. Competition-cooperationdiscord is an often-evoked term typology that reflects the contradictory nature of this relationship. Last year witnessed all these facets play out: India’s trenchant critique of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), India’s entry into the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, the dramatic crisis in Doklam on the northern frontiers, the acceleration of multilateral cooperation in the BRICS format, and attempts to foster economic engagement. Yet, nothing exemplified the state of ties more than the Himalayan standoff, which was the closest both countries came to drawing blood in over three decades. What led to this tailspin in India-China relations ? We will not find the clues in some valley or a narrow stretch of road in the upper Himalayas. Rather, the main reason has been a systematic build-up of negative images of how each side viewed the other’s foreign policies, along with a collapse in geopolitical trust. For India, China’s attempt to raise its economic and political profile in the subcontinent was seen as an encroachment on, and an affront to, Indian authority in the neighbourhood. For China, India’s pursuit of deeper military engagement with the former’s main strategic rivals – the U.S. and Japan – was viewed as a serious challenge to its future security. Convinced that only an assertive policy would work, both Delhi and Beijing over the past two years began exploiting leverages and pressure points to keep the other side off balance. India tilted closer to the U.S., China towards Pakistan, and on a scale not witnessed even during the Cold War years. Yet, neither side has been able to extract any concessions or improve the terms of their bilateral interactions. On a range of issues – the Nuclear Suppliers Group membership, Pakistan-sponsored terror and hydrological cooperation being the most prominent – India failed to receive any give from China. With India’s boycott of the BRI, China too found itself confronting not only the only major holdout against its flagship international initiative but also its most suspicious and non-cooperative neighbour in Asia. Beijing also noticed that New Delhi was beginning to openly involve external powers to collaborate with it in an anti-China strategy in South Asia and the Indian Ocean. Worse still must have been the spectacle of India brandishing its Tibet card. Such unbridled competition and rising
costs to Indian and Chinese interests – and Doklam was the tipping point – appears to have persuaded both Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping that their policies were producing zero-sum outcomes and required some kind of a course correction.
6. Which of the following is not a factor in increasing China’s doubts about India ?
(a) India has used the case of Tibet as a weapon to confront China.
(b) India has closed bilateral trade with China.
(c) India has been involved in forming coalition against Chinese domination.
(d) India boycotted the Belt and Road Initiative.
7. Which of the following is true about emerging Indo-China relationship ?
(a) India and China have been willing to give each other the upper-hand.
(b) China has a positive image of India’s foreign policy.
(c) India’s boycott of BRI affected China.
(d) India’s response has been cordial with regard to the Himalayan standoff.
8. Which countries are China’s main strategic rivals ?
(a) India and Pakistan
(b) India and USA
(c) India and Russia
(d) USA and Japan
9. Which of the following statements is incorrect with regard to the passage ?
(a) India’s increasing ties with USA has been welcomed by China.
(b) There have been enough tensions between the countries of India and China lately.
(c) India’s military aspirations have been affecting China’s stand on India.
(d) Leaders of the countries – India and China – might reassess their policies.
10. What does the phrase “drawing blood” in paragraph 1 refer to ?
(a) To perform an incision on someone
(b) To make someone very angry
(c) To attack each other
(d) To match up to each other in terms of combat ability
Question numbers 11 and 12 contain sentences with one word missing. Choose the correct alternative from the options that follow :
11. You can do litigation cases but you also have to do the corporate _______ .
(a) one
(b) too
(c) ones
(d) those
12. Don’t entrust me ________ these many responsibilities.
(a) by
(b) with
(c) in
(d) for
Question numbers 13 and 14 have a word each in bold followed by four choices. In each question, find out which of the choices is SIMILAR or CLOSEST in meaning to the word in bold :
(a) Fixation
(b) Extermination
(c) Instigation
(d) Inaction
(a) Disdain
(b) Desire
(c) Collapse
(d) Serious
Question number 15 has a word in bold followed by four choices. In the question, find out which of the choices is similar or closest in OPPOSITE to the word in bold.
(a) Commoner
(b) Humble
(c) Prominent
(d) Impoverished
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