(Notification) Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) : Assistants Engineers, Automobile Engineers Recruitment 2022
(Notification) Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) : Assistants Engineers, Automobile Engineers Recruitment 2022
Applications are invited from eligible candidates only through online mode upto 03.05.2022 for direct recruitment to the posts of included in the Combined Engineering Services Examination.
Post Details:
Name of the post |
Name of the service |
No. of vacancies |
Scale of pay |
Automobile Engineer in the Motor Vehicle Maintenance Department (Post Code – 1788) |
Tamil Nadu General Service (Service Code No.035) |
4 |
Rs.56100 - 205700 (Level 22) (Revised Scale) |
Junior Electrical Inspector (Post Code No.1666) |
Tamil Nadu Electrical Inspectorate Service (Service Code No.011) |
8 |
Rs.37700-138500 (Level 20) (Revised Scale) |
Assistant Engineer (Agricultural Engineering) (Post Code - 1667) |
Tamil Nadu Agricultural Engineering Service (Service Code No.011) |
66 |
Assistant Engineer (Highways Department) (Post Code – 1661) |
Tamil Nadu Highways Engineering Service (Service Code No.011) |
33 |
Assistant Director of Industrial Safety and Health (Post Code 1664) |
Tamil Nadu Factory Service (Service Code No.011) |
18 |
Assistant Engineer (Civil) (Water Resources Department, PWD) (Post Code 1656) |
Tamil Nadu Engineering Service (Service Code No.011) |
1*c/f BC(G) (DAP) (HH) |
Assistant Engineer (Civil) (PWD) (Post Code 3656) |
307+1*c/f BC(G) (DAP) (HH) |
General Foreman (Post Code. 2026) |
Tamil Nadu Motor Vehicles Maintenance Subordinate Service (Service Code No. 051) |
7 |
#Technical Assistant (Post Code – 2027) |
11 |
Assistant Engineer (Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department) (Post Code 1660) |
Tamil Nadu Panchayat Development Service (Service Code No.011) |
93 |
Tamil Nadu Government Act No.14 of 2022 posts included in various Boards
Name of the post |
Name of the service |
No. of vacancies |
Scale of pay |
Assistant Engineer (Tamil Nadu Urban Habitat Development Board) (Post Code. 3230) |
Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board Service (Service Code No. 111) |
64** |
Rs.37700-138500 (Level 20) (Revised Scale) |
Assistant Engineer (Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority) (Post Code. 3232) |
Madras Metropolitan Development Authority Engineering Service (Service Code No.113) |
13 |
Age Limit (as on 01.07.2022):
Sl. No. |
Name of the Post |
Maximum Age Limit |
“Others” [i.e., Applicants not belonging to SCs, SC(A)s,STs, MBCs/DCs, BC(OBCMs) and BCMs] |
Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Castes (Arunthathiyars), Scheduled Tribes, Most Backward Classes / Denotified Communities, Backward Classes (OBCMs), Backward Classes (Muslims) and Destitute Widows of all categories. |
1. |
Assistant Engineer (Agricultural Engineering), Junior Electrical Inspector, Assistant Engineer (Highways Department), Assistant Director of Industrial Safety and Health, Assistant Engineer (Civil) (WRD), Assistant Engineer (Civil) (PWD), Assistant Engineer (Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department). |
32* years |
No Maximum age limit |
2. |
Assistant Engineer in Tamil Nadu Urban Habitat Development Board |
32* years |
3. |
Automobile Engineer, General Foreman and Technical Assistant in the Motor Vehicle Maintenance Department |
37**years |
4. |
Assistant Engineer (Civil) in Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority |
32* years |
Educational Qualification:(as on 04.04.2022)
Applicants should possess the following or its equivalent qualification awarded by any University or Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission/AICTE as the case may be.
Name of the post |
Educational Qualification |
Automobile Engineer in the Motor Vehicles Maintenance Department |
(a) Must possess a degree in Automobile (or) Mechanical Engineering (or) be a holder of the Post Diploma in Automobile Engineering awarded by the State Board of Technical Education and Training, Tamil Nadu; (or) be a Licentiate in Automobile Engineering or Mechanical Engineering. (AND) (b) Must possess experience in the administration of an office and the management of workshops connected with the maintenance and upkeep of Motor Vehicles for a period of not less than five years. Explanation: A workshop shall mean any workshop under the control of the Government / Public / Private Organisation and Registered under the Factories Act 1948(Central Act LXIII of 1948) |
Junior Electrical Inspector |
Must possess a Degree in Electrical Engineering. Provided that other things being equal, preference shall be given to those who have undergone Apprenticeship Training under the Government of India Scheme or the State Government Apprenticeship Scheme for a period of one year. |
Assistant Engineer (Agricultural Engineering) |
i) B.E. (Agriculture) or B. Tech (Agricultural Engineering) or B.Sc.,(Agricultural Engineering) (or) ii) B.E. (Mechanical) (or) B.E. (Civil) (or) B.Tech (Automobile Engineering) or B.E. (Production Engineering) or B.E.(Industrial Engineering) (or) B.E (Civil and Structural Engineering) or B.E (Mechanical and Production Engineering). Provided that candidates possessing the qualification in item (ii) shall be considered only if no candidate with qualification item (i) is available. |
Assistant Engineer (Highways Department) |
Must possess degree in Civil Engineering (or) A pass in Sections A and B of the A.M.I.E (India) Examinations under Civil Engineering branch (renamed as Institution of Examinations) Note:-Provided that other things being equal, preference shall be given to a person who has undergone one year of apprenticeship training under the Government of India Scheme or one year of training under the State Government Apprenticeship Scheme. |
Assistant Director of Industrial Safety and Health |
A Degree in Mechanical Engineering or Production Engineering or Industrial Engineering or Electrical Engineering or Chemical Engineering or Textile Technology. |
Assistant Engineer (Civil) (Water Resources Department, PWD) |
(1) Must possess a B.E degree in Civil Engineering or Civil and Structural Engineering. (or) (2) Must have passed in Sections A and B of the Institution Examinations under Civil Engineering branch |
Assistant Engineer (Civil) (PWD) |
General Foreman and Technical Assistant in Motor Vehicles Maintenance Department |
Must possess a degree in Mechanical Engineering (or) Automobile Engineering (or) Automobile Technology (or) A Post Diploma in Automobile Engineering of the State Board of Technical Education and Training, Tamil Nadu or of any recognized Institution or Board with experience for a period of not less than two years in a supervisory capacity in the Automobile Workshop. Explanation: (i) An Automobile Workshop shall mean an Automobile Workshop satisfying the definition of “factory” in section 2 (m) of the Factories Act 1948. (ii) Factory shall mean “factory” as defined in section 2 (m) of the Factories Act 1948 Note: Every person appointed to the post should obtain a driving license to drive heavy transport vehicles within the period of probation Note: Technical Assistant is the Feeder Category for the post of General Foreman. |
Assistant Engineer (Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department) |
Must possess a B.E degree in Civil Engineering (or) Must have passed Sections A and B of the Institution of Engineers (India) under Civil Engineering Branch, and he should furnish evidence of having undergone practical training in surveying for a period of not less than one year. Note:-Provided that other things being equal preference shall be given for appointment to a person who has undergone one year of apprenticeship training under the Government of India Scheme or the State Government Apprenticeship Scheme. |
Assistant Engineer (Civil) (Tamil Nadu Urban Habitat Development Board) |
Must possess a degree in Engineering (Civil) OR Must have passed Sections A and B of the A.M.I.E (India) Examination with the following:- i) A Pass in H.Sc. Examination ii) Must have passed ‘Geology’ under Section B as an optional or additional subject. |
Assistant Engineer (Civil) (Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority) |
Must possess B.E degree (Civil or Highways) and must have experience for period of not less than five years of service in Category-3* or in a capacity equivalent to that of a Junior Engineer. *Note:- Category-3 implies the post of Junior Engineer in Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority Engineering Service Regulations.(Experience Certificate produced from Government organization or from private). |
a) |
Registration Fee For One Time Registration (G.O.(Ms).No.32, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (M) Department, dated 01.03.2017). Note Applicants who have already registered in One Time online Registration system and are within the validity period of 5 years are exempted. |
Rs.150/- |
b) |
Examination Fee Note The Examination fee should be paid at the time of submitting the online application for this recruitment if they are not eligible for the concession noted below. |
Rs.200/- |
Scheme of Examination:
Subject |
Duration |
Maximum marks |
Minimum qualifying marks for selection |
SCs, SC(A)s, MBC/DCs, BC(OBCM)s& BCMs |
Others |
Paper –I one of the following subjects in which the candidate has acquired his/her Degree qualification (Subject Paper) (200 questions) (Degree Standard) (i)Agricultural Engineering (Code No. 280) (ii) Automobile Engineering (Code No. 258) (iii) Civil Engineering (Code No.261) (iv) Mechanical / Production / Manufacturing Engineering (Code No.256) (v) Electrical Engineering (Code No. 259) (vi) Chemical Engineering (Code No.260) (vii) Textile Technology (Code No.306) |
3 Hours |
300 |
153 |
204 |
Paper-II (Objective Type) Part-A Tamil Eligibility Test (SSLC Std) (100 Questions / 150 Marks) |
3 Hours |
Note: Minimum qualifying marks – 60 marks (40% of 150). Marks secured in Part-A of Paper-II will not be taken into account for ranking. |
Part-B (General Studies) (100 questions) (150 marks)(Code No:003) General studies (Degree standard) – 75 questions and Aptitude and mental ability test (SSLC standard) - 25 questions iii. Interview and Records |
60 |
Total |
510 |
Selection Procedure:
Selection will be made in two stages i.e., (i) Written Examination and (ii) Oral Test in the shape of an interview. The final selection will be made on the basis of the total marks obtained by the applicants at the written examination and oral test taken together subject to the rule of reservation of appointments. Applicants’ appearance in the written examination and oral test is compulsory. The applicant who has not appeared for any of the subjects in the written examination or Oral Test will not be considered for selection, even if he/she secures the minimum qualifying marks for selection. (For further details refer to para 18(B) of the ‘Instructions to Applicants’)
- First, the selection will be made for the carried forward vacancies. [Section of the Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016
- Secondly, the selection will be made for regular vacancies following the rule of reservation of appointments.
How to Apply:
- Applicants should apply only through online mode in the Commission’s websites www.tnpsc.gov.in or www.tnpscexams.in
- 2) “One Time Registration” using Aadhaar is mandatory before applying for any post. Applicant should register only once in the One Time Registration by paying Rs.150/- as registration fee. Successfully registered One Time Registration is valid for five years from the date of registration. All the applications should be submitted using the One Time Registration ID and password registered by the applicant.
- To apply under One Time Registration system, applicants should have a scanned image of their photograph, certificates specified, if any, and signature in CD/DVD/Pen Drive to upload the same, as per the specifications given in the guidelines for scanning and uploading of photograph and signature.
- No applicant is permitted to create more than one registration ID under One Time Registration system.
- Applicants should enter the Unique ID and password to view the already available information and update them. They shall not share the ID with any other person or agency.
- One Time Registration is not an application for any post. It is just a collection of information from the applicants and provides a separate dashboard to each applicant to facilitate maintenance of their own profile. Applicants who wish to apply for this recruitment shall click “Apply” against the recruitment notified in the Commission’s website using the same USER ID and PASSWORD given for ONE TIME REGISTRATION.
- Applicants should select the name of the post for which the applicant wishes to apply.
- Online applications uploaded without the photograph, details of specified documents in Annexure V and signature will be rejected after due process.
- The applicants shall be permitted to edit the details in the online application till the last date stipulated for submission of online application. After the last date for submission of online applications, no modification shall be permitted in respect of the application data i.e., the details furnished by the candidates in the online application.
Important Dates:
Date of notification |
04.04.2022 |
Last date for submission of online application |
03.05.2022 |
Dates of written examination |
Paper-I : Subject paper (Degree standard) |
26.06.2022 09.30A.M. to 12.30 P.M. |
Paper-II : Part-A Tamil Eligibility Test (SSLC Standard) Part-B General Studies (Degree Standard) |
26.06.2022 02.00P.M. to 05.00 P.M. |
Click here for Online Apply
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Courtesy: TNPSC