Current Affairs for IAS Exams - 12 December 2022
Current Affairs for IAS Exams - 12 December 2022
Kochi-Muziris Biennale
- The 5th edition of the Kochi-Muziris Biennale opens on December 12, 2022, displaying works of over 90 artists from across the globe in varied media.
- The Kochi Muziris Biennale was founded in 2011 by Kerala-born, Mumbai-based artists Bose Krishnamachari and RiyasKomu.
- It aims to “create a platform that will introduce contemporary, global visual art theory and practice to India”.
- An international large-scale showcase of art that takes place every two years at a particular site, biennales are usually non-commercial enterprises – unlike art fairs – that centre around a curatorial theme.
- The theme for 2022: “In Our Views Flow Ink and Fire”.
- One of the most prestigious and oldest biennales in the world, the Venice Biennale was established through a resolution by the city council in 1893 to celebrate national artistic talent.
- In 2009, a global Biennale Foundation was established with an “aim to create a platform for dialogue, networking, and knowledge sharing among contemporary art biennials around the world”. It lists a directory of over 200 biennales that are held at present.
Significance of art biennales
- Though most biennales do not allow for direct purchase of art, an invitation and participation in the global showcase is often viewed as a validation of an artist’s work, and an assertion that they are being noticed.
- Frequented by the powerful and important in art, a Biennale participation can open opportunities for future museum exhibitions, gallery representation and acquisitions.
Mahakavi Subramanian Bharathiyar
- Tamil Nadu Chief Minister virtually inaugurated the statue of Mahakavi Subramanian Bharathiyar at the renovated house of Bharathiyar at Varanasi.
- Mahakavi Subramanian Bharathiyar was a Tamil writer, poet, Indian independence activist, journalist,social reformer and polyglot.
- He was bestowed the title “Bharathi” for his excellence in poetry.
- Bharathiyar fought for the emancipation of women, against child marriage, vehemently opposed the caste system.
- Sister Nivedita inspired Bharathi to recognise the privileges of women and the emancipation of women exercised Bharathi’s mind.
Notable works:
- Bharathi joined as Assistant Editor of the Swadesamitran a Tamil daily in 1904.
- In1907, he started editing the Tamil weekly India and the English newspaper BalaBharatham with M.P.T. Acharya.
- He assisted Aurobindo in the Arya journal and later Karma Yogi in Pondicherry.
- Three of his greatest works namely, KuyilPattu, PanchaliSapatham and Kannan Pattu were composed during 1912
- He also translated Vedic hymns, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra and Bhagavat Gita to Tamil.
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World Bank’s Flagship Gender Toolkit
- A Gender Toolkit based on “Enabling gender responsive urban mobility and public spaces” was launched by Greater Chennai Corporation Commissioner Gagandeep Singh Bedi at a session conducted by the World Bank and the Chennai Urban Metropolitan Transport Authority.
- This toolkit will bridge knowledge gaps between policy making andprogram implementation for gender-responsive urban mobility andpublic space in India.
- It details four-pillar implementation framework for urban bodies.
Need for gender-responsive urban mobility:
- Women are amongst the biggest users of public transport acrossIndian cities.
- On average, 45.4% women walked to work compared to 27.4%men.
- Lower income groups have higher usage of public transport.
- Urban mobility systems are often not designed to account for gender-based differences in mobility patterns.
- Lack of safe public transport deters women from accessing promising opportunities.
- It also deters women from stepping out, creating a vicious cycle that lowers their presence in public spaces.
- The 39th edition of India-Indonesia Coordinated Patrol (IND-INDO CORPAT) between the Indian Navy and the Indonesian Navy is being conducted from 08 – 19 December 2022.
Key highlights:
- Indian Naval Ship (INS) Karmuk, an indigenously built Missile Corvette participated in the pre-deployment briefing at Belawan, Indonesia.
- The CORPAT will be executed along the International Maritime Boundary Line (IMBL) from 15 to 16 December 2022 and will conclude with a debrief at Port Blair.
- Along with INS Karmuk, L-58 (indigenously built Landing Craft Utility vessel) and Dornier Maritime Patrol Aircraft will be participating in the CORPAT.
- CORPATs help build understanding and interoperability between navies, and facilitate institution of measures to prevent and suppress Illegal Unreported Unregulated (IUU) fishing, drug trafficking, maritime terrorism, armed robbery and piracy.
- It helps to enhance the operational synergy by exchange of information for prevention of smuggling, illegal immigration and for conduct of Search and Rescue (SAR) operations at sea.
- As part of Government of India’s vision SAGAR (Security And Growth for All in the Region), Indian Navy has been proactively engaging with countries in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) to enhance maritime security in the region.
International Organization of Securities Commissions
- SEBI bars Alternative Investment Funds from raising capital from non-compliant Foreign Investor(FI).
Key highlights:
- FI must be a resident of country whose market regulator is a signatory to either IOSCOmultilateral MoU or has signed bilateral MoU with SEBI.
- IOSCO is an international body that brings together world’s securities regulators and sets globalstandards for securities sector.
- It regulates more than 95% of world’s securities markets.
- It works with G20 and Financial Stability Board on global regulatory reform agenda.
- SEBI is a member of IOSCO Board, the governing and standard-setting body.
Himalayan medicinal plantspecies
- Three Himalayan medicinal plant species have made it to IUCN Red List.
Meizotropispellita (Critically Endangered)
- Endemic to Uttarakhand.
- Oil extracted from leaves possesses strong antioxidants and can be natural substitute for synthetic antioxidants in pharmaceutical industries.
- As per IUCN Red list it comes under the category of Critically Endangered.
Fritilloriacirrhosa (Vulnerable)
- Used in treatment of bronchial disorders and pneumonia.
- As per IUCN Red list it comes under the category of Vulnerable.
Dactylorhizahatagirea (Endangered)
- Used in Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, and other alternative systems of medicine to cure fever, coughetc.
- As per IUCN Red list it comes under the category of Endangered.
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