Current Affairs for IAS Exams - 19 December 2022
Current Affairs for IAS Exams - 19 December 2022
Goa celebrate Liberation Day
- President Droupadi Murmu conveyed her greetings to the nation on December 19, marking Goa Liberation Day.
- The day is celebrated annually to mark the success of ‘Operation Vijay’ undertaken by the Indian armed forces to defeat Portuguese colonial forces and liberate Goa in 1961.
Operation Vijay:
- Operation Vijay - a 36-hour military operation (started on December 18, 1961 and concluded on December 19, 1961), was about the liberation of the Portuguese territories of Goa, Daman and Diu.
- This was possibly the Indian armed forces' first tri-service operation.
- The Indian Air Force bombed the Portuguese airbase at Dabolim while the army advanced from the north and east into Goa.
- The Indian Navy was tasked with preventing hostile action by Portuguese warships, securing access to Mormugaoharbour, and securing the Anjadip Island off the coast of Karwar.
- By the evening of December 19, 1961, Portuguese Governor General Vassalo De Silva had signed the surrender document after Indian armed forces (led by the army and backed by the air force and navy) had outnumbered and outgunned the Portuguese.
Kerala’s products listed under GI Tag
- Geographical Indiaction (GI) is a sign used on products that have a specific geographical origin and possess qualities or a reputation that are due to that origin.
- They are part of Paris Convention for Protection of Industrial Property.
- In India, GI registration is administered by Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999.
Listed products granted GI:
Attappady Attukombu Avara (Beans)
- It is mainly cultivated in Attappady (Palakkad).
- It has higher anthocyanin (imparts violet colour) which is helpful against cardiovasculardiseases along with its antidiabetic properties.
- It may contain high calcium, protein, and fibre content.
AttappadyThuvara (Redgram):
- Seeds are bigger and heavier.
- Rich in protein, carbohydrate, fibre, calcium and magnesium.
Onattukara Ellu (Sesame):
- Relatively higher antioxidant and unsaturated fat (beneficial for heart patients).
Kanthalloor-Vattavada Veluthulli (Garlic):
- Cultivated in Idukki and contains high amount of sulphides, flavonoids, and proteins.
- Rich in allicin which is effective against microbial infections, blood sugar, cancer, etc.
Kodungalloor Pottuvellari(Snap melon):
- Cultivated in Kodungalloor and parts of Ernakulam. Harvested in summer.
- Contains high amount of Vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, fibre and fat content.
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ICRISAT intern awarded for developing bio-insecticide from ‘ramphal’ leaves
- A Research intern at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) recently won the prize for developing a cost-effective bio-insecticide from the leaves of bullock’s heart tree (Annona reticulata), popularly known as Ramphal.
About Bullock’s Heart Tree:
- Bullock heart tree’s extracts have traditionally been used to cure conditions including dysentery and pediculosis (louse infestation)
- Extracts from its leaves may be useful against three destructive pests — Pod borer, Green peach aphid and fall armyworm — with a mortality rate of 78-88 per cent, the research claimed. All these pests are known for incurring crop losses to farmers.
- It is a small deciduous or semi-evergreen tree in the plant family Annonaceae and part of the Annonas group.
- It is best known for its fruit, called custard apple, a common name shared with fruits of several other species in the same genus: A.cherimola and A. squamosa.
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)
- ICRISAT is a non-profit agricultural research organization.
- It was founded in 1972 by a consortium of organizations convened by the Ford and the Rockefeller Foundations.
- Its charter was signed by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
Modern Mammals
- According to new research, mammals may have evolved in Gondwana, the southern landmass formed from the supercontinent Pangaea millions of years, rather than its northern counterpart Laurasia.
- Mammals are warm-blooded animals with hair and vertebrates.
Modern mammals consist of three sub groups:
- Primitive mammals that lay large eggs and have a common opening for urogenitaland digestive systems.
- Include platypus and echidna of Australia.
- Mammals whose young are born incompletely developed. They develop inside apouch on mother’s belly.
- Mostly found in Australia and New Guinea, e.g.- tree kangaroo, macropods etc.
- They carry foetus until a late stage of development.
- Comprise majority of mammals including humans.
Raktsey Karpo Apricot
- Ladakh got its first ever Geographical Indication (GI) Tag to its RaktseyKarpo Apricot. The coveted GI tag certification for twenty years.
- Raktsey Karpo Apricot is one of the nine items recently registered in the GI tag lists.
- Although, Ladakh grows more than thirty types of Apricots, but RaktseyKarpo variety is unique to the region.
- This Ladakh exclusive variety is matchless in sweetness and colorful with white Kernel.
- Apricot is also being promoted under One District One Product for Kargil.
What is Geographical Indication Tag?
- A Geographical Indication is a sign used on products that have a specific geographical origin and possess qualities or a reputation that are due to that origin.
- Geographical indications are typically used for agricultural products, foodstuffs, wine and spirit drinks, handicrafts and industrial products.
- TheGeographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999 seeks to provide for the registration and better protection of geographical indications relating to goods in India.
- This GI tag is valid for a period of 10 years following which it can be renewed.
Central Forensic Science Laboratory
- The bones recovered by Delhi Police from a forest area in Mehrauli in south Delhi belonged to Shraddha Walkar. Central Forensic Science Laboratory (CFSL) has conveyed this to the police, citing a DNA match of tissues found in the bones with the samples collected from Shraddha's father and brother.
About DNA fingerprinting:
- DNA fingerprinting is alaboratory technique used todetermine the probableidentity of a person based onthe nucleotide sequences ofcertain regions of human DNA,called repetitive DNA, that areunique to individuals.
- These repetitive DNAnormally do not code forany proteins, but they forma large portion of humangenome.
- They show a high degreeof polymorphism (variationat genetic level that arisesdue to mutations) thatform the basis of DNAfingerprinting.
- Since DNA from every tissue (such as blood, hair-follicle, skin, bone, saliva,sperm etc.), from an individual shows same degree of polymorphism, theybecome a very useful identification tool in forensic applications.
- Further, as polymorphisms are inheritable from parents to children, DNAfingerprinting is the basis of paternity testing, in case of dispute.
FIFA World Cup 2022
- Argentina won its third World Cup title by beating France 4-2 in a penalty shootout after a 3-3 draw.
- The Football World Cup is an international soccer tournament held every four years to determine the best national soccer team in the world.
- The first official World Cup was played in Uruguay 1930.
- The tournament is the first to be held in the Arab world and only the second to take place in Asia, after Japan and South Korea joint-hosted the event in 2002.
- This edition will be the last to feature just 32 teams, with the tournament being expanded from 2026 inwards in order to feature 48 nations.
- 2026 World cup edition will be hosted by 16 cities in three North American countries: Canada, Mexico and the United States.
- The winner of the FIFA World Cup 2022 will take home $42 million, which is Rs 3.47 billion in prize money. The runner-up is likely to get $30 million, which is Rs 2.48 billion.
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