Could you please send syllabus for all papers (Mains + Prelims)?
Hi, Could you please send syllabus for all papers (Mains + Prelims). If possible kindly send the link where we can find it.
Right Set of Optional Subjects -A Strategic Decision in the Preparation of
IAS Care your Time, Energy (efforts) & Money Parameters…Consideration of all
interconnected variables & choose right sets of optional subjects
1. Interest
2. Education background vs. Reflected optional
3. Statistical Consideration vs. Reflected optional
4. Syllabus
5. Question papers
6. Reading Material
7. Teachers / Mentors
1. Interest
- Understanding yourself, your thinking pattern, Alignment your heart
towards the
subjects …..
- Recall your Memory, observe your vocabulary and check, you are more
comfortable to
express this subject, you can resonance yourself with this optional …..
Analyse Properly? ~ Are you on the Right Track?
2. Education background vs. Reflected optional subject
- If you are science / Engg. / Commerce / Medical background …… which
motivate to
take their own core subject …. But you have more choice to choose another
optional (In
arts, Language etc.) Which is easy for scoring?
- If you are Art background … you can not take any optional of Science, Engg. ,
Commerce, Medical ….. Choosing the optional for art background is slightly easy
Considers all related variables).
3. Statistical Consideration vs. Reflected optional subject
- Student choice (as data say): Public administration, Geography,
Philosophy, Sociology,
Political Science, Psychology, History etc [Background does not matter ….]
- Choose other optional based on education background.
4. Syllabus
- Deep analysis of your reflected optional (based on above consideration)
one by one and
check? Are you Ok with this optional? Are you able to make interest? Are you
with this optional?
Analyze the syllabus of Main & Prelim ……Check ... will you complete it within
time limit ?
5. Question papers
- Analyze latest 3 years question papers and check your thinking & skill
sets for exact
presentation in the answer ( ex : factual & informative or analytical ) in a
optional. Analytical people like question where they have to discuss many thing
giving many factual details. Where as some people like learning facts by pure
memory and
prefer question which demand straight and factual answers
Understand the pattern of your mind and choose according to own strength &
6. Reading Material
- Availability of proper & complete reading material & Quality books.
Be Focus…...Focus …...Focus
7. Teachers / Mentors
- A Mentor for guidance, direction, simplifying the process of preparation,
continuously & analyzing the performance & feedback and motivate towards goals.
Ensure ….. You have an authentic Mentor
All the best ....
Ujjwal kumar Das .