(Query) Query about change in Pattern of CSE 2011

Query about change in Pattern of CSE 2011

UPSC is planning to implement CSAT in 2011 and will consider changing the pattern of mains after observing the responses to chnages in prelims...so don't you think that mains pattern will remain the same in 2012?.1 year is quite a short period 4 such a massive change.And that is an injustice to people who write mains for the first time in 2012.

--Rachana Odayoth

Ya As far as I think the mains pattern wont change much . all you can expect is that questions would be more application based. somewhat related to the real life experiences faced during the services and their direct application. And as you already mentioned that any change if brought in takes time and upsc wont be doing anything in a hurry. Its only after the successful implementation of the new pattern in 2011 will they bring in any change in mains.Till then we shouild continue with the old pattern of mains . for further clarity you can refer to yesterday's suppliment of the hindu.
