(Exam Info) State PSC : West Bengal Public Service Commission
West Bengal Public Service Commission
The various activities of the commission is regulated by following rules:
- West Bengal Service Rule ( Part-I & II );
- West Bengal Secretariat Manual ;
- Delegation of Financial Power Rules, 1970 ;
- West Bengal Service (General Provident Fund) Rules ;
- West Bengal Service ( ROPA ) Rules, 1981/1990/1998 ;
- West Bengal Service ( Medical Attendance ) Rules, 1964 ;
- All India Service Rules ;
- West Bengal Service ( Duties, Rights and Obligations ) Rules, 1980 ;
- West Bengal Service ( Classification, Control & Appeal ) Rules, 1971 ;
- Death-cum-retirement benefit Rules ;
- West Bengal Service ( Determination of Seniority ) Rules, 1981 ;
- West Bengal Public Service Commission Rules of Procedure ;
- West Bengal Public Service Commission ( Conditions of Service & Miscellaneous Provisions ) Regulations, 1953 ;
- West Bengal Public Service Commission ( Exemption from Consultation ) Regulations, 1955 ; etc
The commission undertakes following functions and activities:- Conducts examinations for appointment to the various civil services of the state.
- Provides advice to the government on
- Methods of recruitment to civil services posts
- Principles to be followed while making selections of the candidates and, promotions and transfers to civil services and posts.
- on disciplinary matter concerned with the civil servants
- claim made by a civil servant with respect to the recovery of expenditure incurred by him/her in defending himself/herself in the court of law against the legal proceeding initiated by the government for not execution of his/her duty.
- claim made by a civil servant in respect to injuries sustained by him/her while serving the state government.
- Departmental Tests in May and November
- Entrance examination for for IMA, Dehradun in February and August.
- Supervision of temporary appointments in Government Departments
- advises the departments for regular appointments through the Commission in place of temporary appointments.
The commission functions through one Chairman and four other members. The present composition of the commission is as follows:
No. | Name | Designation | Postpreviously held |
1 | SriT.K Bose | Chairman | AdditionalChief Secretary and Ex-officio Commissioner of food, Govt. of W.B. |
2 | Dr. ChittaranjanMaity | Member | Director MedicalEducation, Ex -Officio Secretary, H & FW deptt., Govt. of W.B. |
3 | Dr. Md. Mansoor Alam | Member | Reader in Persian,Moulana Azad College, Kolkata |
4 | Sri BiswatoshSarkar | Member | Secretary to theGovt. of W.B. Irrigation & Waterways Department |
5 | Sri.P. L. Datta | Member | Secretary,P.S.C.W.B |
6 | Sri.T. Chattopadhyay | Member | DirectorGeneral & Commandant General , Home Guards , Govt. of W.B. |
- West Bengal Civil Service (Judicial) Examination
- West Bengal Civil Service (Exe) etc Examination
- West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service Examination
- West Bengal Forest Service & Subordinate Forest Service Examination
- Junior Law Officers Recruitment Examination
- Miscellaneous Services Recruitment Examination
- Combined competitive Examination for Recruitment to the Posts of Sub-Inspector, Surgeant in Kolkata Police
- Sub-Assistant Engineers (Civil/Mechanical/Electrical) Recruitment examination
- Assistant Archivists Recruitment Examination
- Lower Grade Assistant Translators(Hindi) Recruitment Examination
- Clerical Examination
- English Typists Recruitment Examination
- Bengali Typists Recruitment Examination
- Junior Bengali Reporters Recruitment Examination
- Assistant Translator (Bengali) Recruitment Examination
- Assistant Public Prosecutors Recruitment Examination
- Sub-Inspector in the Subordinate Food & Supplies Service,Grade-III under Food & Supplies Department,Govt. of West Bengal
The commission also makes directs recruitment to the various posts in different departments of the state government. The posts for which direct recruitment are made by the government are:
- Lecturer
- Professors
- Associate Professors
- Assistant Professors
- Principals
- Deputy Superintendents
- Maintenance Superintendent
- Assistant Director
- Deputy Director
- Joint Director
- Medical Officer
- Librarian
- District Library officer
- Deputy Transport Commissioner
- Scientific officer
Age: Not below 21 years but not more than 32 years on the 1st January of the year of examination for services and posts included in Group ‘A’,’C’ and ‘D’. For the West Bengal Police Service only (i.e. Group ‘B’ Service) age not below 20 years but not more than 32 years on the 1st January of the year of examination.Educational Qualifications:
- A degree of a recognized University.
- Ability to read, write and speak in Bengali (not required for recruitment in the case of candidates from hill areas of the district Darjeeling i.e. for Nepali speaking candidates)
Plan of Examination:
- The W.B.C.S. (Exe.) etc. Examination will be held in two successive stages, viz., (i) Preliminary examination (Objective Type) and (ii) Main Examination (Conventional Type-Written) and Personality Test. A number of candidates to be selected on the results of the Preliminary Examination will be allowed admission to the Main Examination and a number of candidates to be selected on the results of the Main Examination (Written) will be summoned to appear at thePersonality Test.
- The Preliminary Examination will be held at various centres in Kolkata and in certain other districts in West Bengal sometime in the 1st part of the year. Only hill tribe candidates of Darjeeling district and other candidates of the three hill sub-divisions, namely Darjeeling Sadar, Kalimpong and Kurseong will be allowed to appear at Darjeeling centre. The Main Examination will be held in Kolkata in later part of the same year. ThePersonality Test will be held thereafter in the office of the Public Service Commission, West Bengal, in Kolkata.
- The W.B.C.S. (Exe.) etc. Examination is to be treated as a combined Competitive Examination comprising four separate and distinct examinations for four groups of services and posts mentioned below.
- Grouping of services: The services and posts to which recruitment is made on the results of the W.B.C.S. (Exe.) etc. Examination are divided into groups: A, B, C and D with a graduated syllabus. A candidate may compete for one or more groups but is required to submit one application only indicating choice of group(s).
- West Bengal Civil Service (Executive):
Scale of pay – Rs. 8,000 – 275-13,500 - West Bengal Commercial Tax Service :
Scale of Pay – Rs. 8,000-275-13,500 - West Bengal Agricultural Income tax Service:
Scale of Pay – Rs. 8,000-275-13,500 - West Bengal Excise Service:
Scale of Pay – Rs. 8,000-275-13,500 - Assistant Registrar of Co-operative Societies in the West Bengal
Co-operative Service:
Scale of Pay – Rs. 8,000-275-13,500 - West Bengal labour Service :
Scale of Pay – Rs. 8,000-275-13,500 - West Bengal Food and Supplies Service :
Scale of Pay – Rs.8,000-275-13,500 - West Bengal Employment Service [Except the post of Employment Officer
(Technical)] :
Scale of Pay – Rs. 8,000-275-13,500 - West Bengal Registration and Stamp Revenue Service :
Scale pf Pay – Rs.8,000-275-13,500
West Bengal Police Service :
Scale of Pay – Rs. 8,000-275-13,500
Group – C
- Joint Block Development Officer :
Scale of Pay – Rs. 5,500-200-6,300-225-8,325-250-11,325 - Deputy Assistant Director of Consumer Affairs and Fair Business
Practices :
Scale of Pay – Rs. 5,500-11,325/- - Assistant Canal Revenue Officer (Irrigation) :
Scale of Pay – Rs. 4,800-175-5,850-200-6,650-225-8,675-250-10,925 - West Bengal Junior Social Welfare Service:
Scale of Pay – Rs. 5,500-200-6,300-225-8,325-250-11,325 - West Bengal Subordinate Land Revenue Service, Grade-I :
Scale of Pay – Rs. 4,800-175-5,850-200-6,650-225-8,675-250-10,925 - Assistant Commercial Tax Officer :
Scale of Pay – Rs. 4,800-175-5,850-200-6,650-225-8,675-250-10,925 - Chief Controller of Correctional Services:
Scale of Pay – Rs. 4,500-150-5,250-175-7,000-200-8,800-225-9,700
Group – D
- Inspector of Co-operative Societies :
Scale of Pay – Rs. 4,500-150-5,250-175-7,000-200-8,800-225-9,700 - Panchayats Development Officer under the Panchayat Department :
Scale of Pay – Rs. 4,500-150-5,250-175-7,000-200-8,800-225-9,700 - Rehabilitation Officer under the Refugee Relief and Rehabilitation
Department :
Scale of Pay – Rs. 4,500-150-5,250-175-7,000-200-8,800-225-9,700
- Preliminary Examination : The Preliminary Examination will consist of only one paper, viz., a paper on “General Studies”. The paper will be of an objective type consisting of 200 multiple-choice questions. The paper will carry 200 marks and will be of 2½ hours duration. The standard of the paper will be of the level of knowledge as expected of a graduate of any faculty of a recognized University.
The paper will include questions covering the following fields of knowledge:
(i) | English Composition | 25 Marks |
(ii) | General Science | 25 Marks |
(iii) | Current events of National & International Importance | 25 Marks |
(iv) | History of India | 25 Marks |
(v) | Geography of India with special reference to West Bengal | 25 Marks |
(vi) | Indian Polity and Economy | 25 Marks |
(vii) | Indian National Movement | 25 Marks |
(viii) | General Mental Ability | 25 Marks |
An outline of the syllabi is given in the syllabus head of the section
The Preliminary Examination is meant to serve as a Screening Test only for the
purpose of selection of candidates for the Main Examination. The marks obtained
in this examination by the candidates will not be considered for final
selection. Only those candidates who will be declared qualified at the
Preliminary Examination in a year will be eligible for admission to the W.B.C.S.
(Exe.) etc.(Main) Examination of that year.
- Main Examination : The Main Examination will consist of five
Compulsory papers and two optional
subjects (one optional subject for candidates applying only for group C and
/ or D) to be chosen by the candidates from the list of optional subjects
given below. There will be two papers on each optional subject. Every paper
– Compulsory or Optional – will carry 100 marks and will be of 3 hours’
Compulsory Papers :
Paper I :Bengali/Hindi/Urdu/Nepali Essay, Précis Writing, Composition and Translation from English into Bengali/Hindi/Urdu/Nepali (Marks 40+20+20+20).
Paper II : English Essay, Précis Writing, Composition and Translation from Bengali/Hindi/ Urdu/Nepali into English (Marks 40+20+20+20).
Paper III :General Knowledge and Current Affairs [Excluding questions on the Constitution of India and the Five-year Plans (Marks 50+50).
Paper IV :The Constitution of India and the Five-year Plans (Marks 50+50).
Paper V : Arithmetic and Test of Reasoning (Marks 50+50). - List of Optional Subjects : (Vide restriction on choice in para 4 below
and syllabi in Appendix-II)
Subject Subject Code Bengali 01 Hindi 02 Sanskrit 03 English 04 Pali 05 Arabic 06 Persian 07 French 08 Urdu 09 Comparative Literature 10 Agriculture 11 Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science 12 Anthropology 13 Botany 14 Chemistry 15 Civil Engineering 16 Commerce and Accountancy 17 Computer Science 18 Economics 19 Electrical Engineering 20 Geography 21 Geology 22 History 23 Law 24 Mathematics 25 Management 26 Mechanical Engineering 27 Medical Science 28 Philosophy 29 Physiology 30 Physics 31 Political Science 32 Psychology 33 Sociology 34 Statistics 35 Zoology 36 - Restriction on choice of Optional Subjects: Candidates will be allowed
to offer optional subjects mentioned below in the following restricted
- Bengali/Hindi/Sanskrit/English/Pali/Arabic/Persian/French/Urdu/Comparative Literature (candidates will have the option to choose, if they so intend, only one of those subjects as anoptional paper).
- Commerce and Accountancy or Management.
- Sociology or Political Science or Anthropology.
- Mathematics or Statistics.
- Agriculture or Botany.
- Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science or Medical Science or Physiology or Zoology.
- Civil Engineering or Electrical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering or Computer Science.
- Geography or Geology.
- Philosophy or Psychology.
- The standard of Arithmetic part of Compulsory Paper – V – Arithmetic &
Test of Reasoning will be similar to that of the Compulsory Mathematics
paper at the Madhyamik Examination of the Board of SecondaryEducation, West
Bengal . Test of Reasoning will cover Analytical Reasoning – Data
Sufficiency; Logical Reasoning – (1) Logical Deduction, (2) Forcefulness of
the Arguments, (3) Implication of sentences, (4) Inferring from diagrams;
Series – (1) Letter series, (2) Number series; Inferring from Data; analogy
tests; Symbol Interpretation; Mathematical puzzles; Odd man out; Perception
test; Non-verbal reasoning; Selecting the correct sequence.
The standard of other compulsory papers will be of the level of learning expected of a graduate of any faculty of a recognized University.
The standard of the examination in optional subjects will be approximately that of an Honours Degree Examination as prescribed by the recognized Indian Universities except Law, Medical Science and Engineering subjects. For Law, Medical Science and Engineering subjects those specified for the LLB course theoretical papers for MBBS and BE or equivalent courses respectively of recognized Indian University / Institution. - Answers in all the paper – Compulsory and Optional – except the language
papers may be written either in English or in Bengali (unless otherwise
directed in these rules or in the question papers). Answers in the following
compulsory and optional papers may also be written in Nepali :
Compulsory :- General Knowledge & Current Affairs.
- The Constitution of India & the Five-Year Plans.
- Political Science
- Botany
Candidates may use the Devanagari or Bengali Script in the answer papers on Sanskrit; the Devanagari Script in the answer papers on Hindi or Nepali; and the Bengali, Arabic, Persian and Urdu Scripts respectively in the answer papers on Bengali, Arabic, Persian & Urdu. - A summary of the group-wise papers in the Main Examination :
Group ‘A’ & ‘B’ Services & Posts : All 5 compulsory papers and two optional subjects of two papers each.
Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ Services & Posts : All 5 compulsory papers and one optional subject of two papers.
In case of a candidate competing for Group ‘A’ and / or ‘B’ along with Group ‘C’ and / or ‘D’ and offering two optional subjects the particular optional subject in which higher marks have been secured will be taken into account in calculating his / her aggregate in Group ‘C’ and / or ‘D’. - Personality Test : A number of candidates selected in order of
merit on the results of the Main Examination (Written) for all the services
and posts included in Groups A. B, C and D will have to appear for the
Personality Test. Each candidate will be asked questions on matters of
general interest. The object of the test will be to assess the candidate’s
personal qualities, e.g., alertness of mind, power of clear and logical
exposition, intellectual and moral integrity, leadership and also the
candidates’ range of interests.
Candidates for Group ‘B’ Service (West Bengal Police Service) will be specially tested at the interviews with regard to their suitability for the service.
Marks for the Personality Test- Group ‘A’, ‘B’ & ‘C’ 200 Marks
- Group ‘D’ 100 Marks
- Deduction of marks : In all the answer papers under examination due
credit will be given for proper economy of words combined with clarity,
precision and effectiveness of expression and originality of approach.
A deduction of 10% of full marks may be made from the total marks secured by a candidate in a particular paper if he / she discloses his / her identity by writing his / her name, roll number or by putting and identifying marks inside the answer script of that paper.
Compulsory Papers |
Group A | Group B | Group C | Group D | |
1. | Bengali / Hindi / Urdu / NepaliEssay, Précis Writing, Composition and Translation from English into Bengali/ Hindi / Urdu / Nepali | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
2. | English Essay, Précis Writing,Composition and Translation from Bengali / Hindi / Urdu / Nepali into English | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
3. | General Knowledge and CurrentAffairs | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
4. | The Constitution of India and theFive-year-Plans | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
5. | Arithmetic and Test of Reasoning | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
6. | Optional Subjects : | 400 | 400 | 200 | 200 |
7. | Personality Test : | 200 | 200 | 200 | 100 |
Total Marks : |
1100 | 1100 | 900 | 800 |
Preliminary Exam Syllabus
Questions On English Composition Will Cover Synonyms, Antonyms, Idioms And Phrases, Vocabulary Test, Phrasal Verbs, The Same Words Bearing More Than One Meaning, Use Of Appropriate And Qualifying Words Etc. Questions On General Science Will Cover General Appreciation And Understanding Of Science, Including Matters Of Everyday Observation And Experience As May Be Expected Of A Well-Educated Person Who Has Not Made A Special Study Of Any Scientific Discipline. In History, Emphasis Will Be On Broad General Understanding Of The Subject In Its Social, Economic And Political Aspects. Questions On The Geography Of India Will Relate To Physical, Social And Economic Geography Of The Country, Including The Main Features Of Indian Agricultural And Natural Resources With Special Reference ToWest Bengal . Questions Of Indian Polity And Economy Will Test The Knowledge Of The Country's Political System, Panchayatee Raj, Community Development And Planning In India, Questions On The Indian National Movement Will Relate To The Nature And Character Of The Nineteenth Century Resurgence, Growth Of Nationalism And Attainment Of Independence. General Mental Ability Will Relate To Logical Perception, Understanding And Natural Conclusion.
Main Exam Syllabus
- Languages
- Agriculture
- Animal Husbandry And Veterinary Science
- Anthropology
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Civil Engineering
- Commerce And Accountancy
- Computer Science
- Economics
- Electrical Engineering
- Geography
- Geology
- History
- Law
- Mathematics
- Management
- Mechanical Engineering
- Medical Science
- Philosophy
- Physiology
- Physics
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Statistics
- Zoology
Contact Details:
West Bengal Public Service Commission
161A, SP Mukherjee Road
Website: www.pscwb.org.in