whts is tha procedure of the IAS exam
whts is tha procedure of the IAS exam. in upsc. and any medical and eyes
week metter must in IAS or not .. and wht is the last registration date?...... (Vinit
The notification for Civil Services (Prel ) exam normally appears in Nov/Dec
every year in Employment News and other leading dailies. Plz. Also access
www.upsc.gov.in. Go through the notification for the details. Different medical
standards are prescribed for different services. The CS exam is a three stage
exam divided into _Preleminary exam which is objective type and roughly ten
times the candidates as per the vacanices are called for the second stage exam -
Mains which is descriptive type carrying 2000 marks and finally the interview of
shortlisted candidates carrying 300 marks. The final merit list is prepared on
the basis of total 2300 marks (2000 for Mains + 300 fr Interviews).