(Paper) UPSC Mains Geography Previous Year Question Paper (1979)
UPSC Mains Geography Previous Year Question Paper (1979)
Time Allowed: Three Hours
Maximum Marks: 300
Candidates should attempt Questions 1 and any four of the remaining questions,
selecting two from Section A and any two from Section B. All questions carry
equal marks.
Q.1. On the map of India supplied to you, mark and name the following:
(a) The mean annual isohyets of 100cm.
(b) The regions of Regur (black cotton) soils.
(c) The four most important centres for the manufacture of iron and steel.
(d) Four of the most vulnerable tracts of India likely to be inundated by
cyclonic storms.
(e) Morvi, Marble falls, Chukha project, Kalpakkam, Sri Hari Kota and Thumba.
On the map of the World provided, name and mark the following:
(a) The International Dateline
(b) The horse latitudes
(c) The Air India route linking Delhi with New York via Moscow and London
(d) The Durand line
(e) The Great Wall of China
(f) Diego Garcia
(g) Namibia
(h) Ruhr
(i) Kalgoorlie
(j) Benguela current
(k) The mid-Atlantic rise
(l) The Great Barrier reef of Australia
Q.2. What light does the study of earthquake, waves throw on the inner constitution of the earth?
Q.3. Discuss the polar Front theory and examine how far it can be applied to explain the origin of tropical cyclones.
Q.4. What factors control the density of ocean waters? Show how differences of surface density determine the movements of water (a) in the open ocean and (b) between the ocean and its partially enclosed seas.
Q.5. “The land regulates the destinies of peoples with a blind brutality” (Ratzal). Discuss fully the arguments in favour and against this view.
Q.6. “The 49th parallel is a boundary without a frontier the Himalayas is a frontier without a boundary.” Discuss fully, bringing out the implications of this to the countries involved.
Q.7. Examine the aims and assets the achievements of Prince Henry and Navigator.
Q.8. “The successful location of iron and steel plants is largely a matter of transportation costs, not merely of raw materials but also of finished products.” Discuss with illustrate examples.
Q.9. “Till about 1700 A.D. the history of India, was to a large extent delimited by its geography.” Analyse fully.
Q.10. Describe the main racial characteristics and the cultural attainments of either the Todas or the Santhals.
Q.11. “The distinction between ‘Wet-Zone’ and ‘Dry-Zone is fundamental in the agriculture of the Monsoon lands, resulting in typical crop combinations”. Discuss with respect to either India or China.
Time allowed: Three Hours
Maximum Marks: 300
Candidates should attempt Questions 1 and any four of the remaining questions, selecting two from Section A and any two from Section B. All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1. With the help of selected examples, explain the relative importance of raw materials, and markets in the location and development of cotton textile industry.
Q.2. Explain the significance of diagnostic surveys for regional planning.
Q.3. Give a critical assessment of the concept of rural –urban fringe. What criteria would you suggest to democrat the rural urban fringe of Indian cities?
Q.4. “The direct effect of physical factors on the distribution of population tends to decline as civilization becomes more advanced.” Discuss this statement.
Q.5. Calculate the coefficient of correlation from the following data:
Average Rainfall in inches in different Districts | 32 | 38 | 27 | 44 | 33 | 24 |
Density of Population per sq. mile | 450 | 500 | 400 | 550 | 450 | 350 |
Q.6. No aviator or navigator can do without the charts based on Mercator’s and Gnomonic projections in order to reach his destination covering the least possible distance. Justify this statement.
Q.7. Give the geographical factors which affect the distribution and density of population in India. Is India over-populated? Discuss the various measures for solving the population problem of India.
Q.8. Account for the causes of soil erosion in India and discuss the method to control it.
Q.9. Comment on the development of iron and steel industry in India since Independence and elucidate the future prospects of the Industry.
Q.10. “A correct delineation and articulation of economic regions in geographic terms is an essential pre-requisite of economic development in developing country”. Justify this statement with reference to economic regionalization in India.
Q.11. Do you consider that the agrarian problem lies at the root of all problems in India today? Support your answer with proper arguments.
Q.12. Assess the importance of Damodar Valley project or any other multipurpose river valley project, in the economy of the region.