(Paper) UPSC Mains Geography Previous Year Question Paper (1982)
UPSC Mains Geography Previous Year Question Paper (1982)
Q1. On the map of India provided, mark the following and write in not more
than ten words, in your answer-script what you consider to be most important
aspect of each one of them:
(a) The Pir Punjal
(b) The Luni River
(c) Farakka Barrage
(d) The Bombay High
(e) Neyveli
(f) Gangtok
(g) 50 cm (20" annual isohyets)
(h) Black cotton soil region
(i) Areas affected by cyclones from the Bay of Bengal
(j) Shortest air route from Varanasi to Bangalore
On the map of the World provided mark the following and write in not more
ten words, in your answer-script what you consider to be the most important
aspect of each one of them:
(a) Elburze mountain
(b) The Dead Sea
(c) Fiji Islands
(d) The Kiel Canal
(e) The Falkland Island
(f) Diego Garcia
(g) 80ºF. Isotherm of July
(h) 100 cm (40") mean isohyets in winter (November to April)
(i) Nairobi
(j) The Kuroshio Current
Q.2. Write short notes on any three of the following, each answer should
be in about 200 words:
(a) Peneplain
(b) Indo-Pakistan border problem
(c) The Naga Tribes
(d) Air masses
Q.3. Discuss the mountain building process in the world with a special reference to the origin of the Himalayas.
Q.4. "In the northern part of the Indian ocean there is a complete reversal of currents between winter and summer as a result of the alternating monsoon winds." Discuss.
Q.5. "The position of United States in respect of power is almost impregnable at present and in future. The U.S.S.R. is well situated although less so than the Unites States." Elucidate.
Q.6. Discuss the factors of location of iron and steel industries in Great Britain with special reference to the shifts in their location after the World War II.
Q.7. Discuss the contributions of either Paul Vidal De La Blache or W.M. Davis in advancement of our geographical knowledge.
Q.8. Mention the types of farming commonly being practised in the tropics. Discuss their significance and the present position in the international market.
Q.1. Answer any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Discuss with suitable examples the influence of environment on
productive occupation in the world
(b) What is meant by Urban Functions? How are they different from Rural
(c) Critically examine the concept of optimum population.
(d) Is the Quantitative method in Geography a means to an end or the Geographic
method itself? Discuss clearly bringing out the purpose of Geography.
Q.2. What is regional survey? How does it lead to planning? Discuss with suitable examples.
Q.3. Discuss the distribution pattern of population in India. State how geographic factors have influenced it.
Q.4. Which projection will you choose for the drawing of a map of the world to indicate sea routes? Discuss its properties.
Q.5. Answer any three questions of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Discuss the structure of the Peninsular India.
(b) Discuss the value of the Narbada Irrigation Project in economic development
of Western India.
(c) What are the problems of the Cotton Textile Industry in India?
(d) Assess the iron ore resources of India.
Q.6. Give a brief account of the Power Resources of India and indicate how far they are developed.
Q.7. India's budget is a gamble with the Monsoon. Elaborate the statement.
How far does the variability of rainfall influence agriculture? What remedies
have been effected?
Divide India into its natural regions. State the basis which you have adopted.