(Paper) UPSC Mains Geography Previous Year Question Paper (1994)
UPSC Mains Geography Previous Year Question Paper (1994)
Q.1. On the map of India provided, mark the following and write in not
more than ten words in your answer-book what you consider to be the most
significant aspect of each one of them:-
(a) Barren Island
(b) Marmagao
(c) Agartala
(d) Vadodara
(e) Tapi
(f) Rana Pratap Sagar
(g) Kavaratti Island
(h) Leh
(i) Badrinath
(j) Atomic Power Project in U.P.
On the map of the world provided, mark the following and write in not more
than ten words in your answer-book what you consider to be the most significant
aspect of each one of them:-
(a) White Sea
(b) Zambezi River
(c) Tianshan Range
(d) Hawarian Islands
(e) Abidjan
(f) Windhoek
(g) Canberra
(h) Areas of Mediterranean type of climate in Australia
(i) Lake Balkhash
(j) Pyongyang.
Q.2. Write short notes on any three of the following, each answer should
be in about 200 words:
(a) Bioldiversity
(b) Models in Geography
(c) Sustainable development
(d) Slums and squatter settlements
Q.3. Discuss the concept of cycle of erosion and bring out clearly the difference between the view of Davis and Penck.
Q.4. Explain the basis of Koppen's classification of climates. Also mention its merits and limitations.
Q.5. Indicate the major biotic regions of the world and discuss the ecological aspects of the monsoon region.
Q.6. Examine critically the concepts of 'determinism' and possibilism. Bring out the significance of regional concept.
Q.7. Oil has placed in the hands of Arab nations a tremendous geopolitical weapon with which to wield power. Comment.
Q.8. Discuss Van Thunen's model of agricultural land use and examine if the model is applicable in India.
Q.1. Answer any three of the following in about 200 words:
(a) Explain the drainage characteristics of Peninsular India.
(b) Elucidate the population density types in India.
(c) Examine the nature and extent of environmental degradation in the Himalayas.
(d) Explain the salient features of Sardar Sarover Project and elucidate the
controversy related to its implementation.
Q.2. Discuss the recent theories put forward to explain the origin and mechanism of the Indian Monsoon.
Q.3. Examine the forest resources of India and explain the principles of conservation which could be applied to improve the forest wealth of India.
Q.4. Differentiate between agricultural efficiency and agricultural productivity and discuss the methods used in the determination of agricultural efficiency in India.
Q.5. Write short notes in about 200 words each on any three of the
(a) Identification of industrially backward areas and problems in their
(b) Competitive and complementary character of the Indian rail-route and road
(c) Internal structure of an Indian city.
(d) Problems of militancy in India's border states.
Q.6. Draw a sketch map to delineate the major industrial complexes of India and discuss their important characteristics.
Q.7. Bring out the salient characteristics of Indian urbanization with suitable examples.
Q.8. Discuss the growth of regional planning in India and account for regional disparities in development.