(Syllabus) RAS Pre-Syllabus: Chemistry (Code No. 05)
Rajasthan Public Service Commission
RAS Pre-Syllabus: Chemistry (Code No. 05)
Section 'A'
Atomic number, Electronic configuration of elements, Aufbauprinciple, Hund's Multiplicity Rules, Paulis Exclusion Principle, long form of the Periodic Classification of elements; salient characteristics of 's', 'p', 'd' and 'f' block elements.
Atomic and ionic radii, ionisation potential, electron affinity and electronegativity; their variation with the position of the elements in the periodic table.
Natural and artificial radioactivity theory of nuclear disintegration; disintegration and displacement laws; radioactive series; nuclear bindings, energy, nuclear reaction, fission,, and fusion, radioactive isotopes and their uses.
Electronic Theory of Valency. Elementary ideas about sigma and pi-bonds, hybridization and directional nature of covalent bonds. Shapes of simple molecules bond order and bond length.
Oxidation states and oxidation numbers. Common redox reactions; ionic equations.
Bronsted and Lewis theorise of acids and bases.
Chemistry of common elements and their compounds, treated from the point of view of periodic classification.
Principles of extraction of metals, as illustrated by sodium, copper, aluminium, iron and nickel.
Werner's theories of coordination compounds and types of isomerism in 6- and 4- co-ordinate complexes. Role of co-ordination compounds in nature, common metallurgical and analytical operations.
Structures of diborane, aluminium chloride, ferrocene, alkyl magnesium halides, dichlorodiamineplatinum and xenon fluorides.
Common ion effect, solubility products and their applications in qualitative inorganic analysis.
Section 'B'
Electron displacements- inductive, mesomeric and hyperconjugative effectseffects of structure on dissociation constants of acids and bases-bond formation and bond fission of covalent bonds- reaction intermediates carbonations, carbanions, free radicals and carbenes-nucleophiles and electrophiles.
Alkanes, alkenes and alkynes-petroleum as a source of organic compounds - simple derivatives of aliphatic compounds; halides, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, acids, esters, acid chlorides, amides, anhydrides ethers, amines and nitro compounds; monohydroxy, ketonic and amino acids. Grignard reagents; active methylene groupmalonic and acetoacetic esters and their synthetic uses-unsaturated acids.
Stereochemistry - Elements of symmerty, chirality, optical isomerism of lactic and tartaric acids, D, L- notation, R,S- notation of compounds containing chiral centres, concept of conformation- Fischer, Sawhorse and Newman projections of butane-2, 3-diol geometrical isomerism of maleic and fumaric acids, E and Z notation of geometrical isomers.
Carbohydrates - Classification and general reactions, structures of glucose, fructose and sucrose, general idea on the chemistry of starch and celluose.
Benzene and common monofunctional benzenenoid compounds, concept of aromaticity as applied to benezene, naphthalene and pyrole-orientation influence in aromatic substitution-chemistry and uses of diazonium salts.
Elementary idea of the chemistry of oils, fats, proteins and vitamins, their role in nutrition and industry.
Basic principles underlying spectral techniques (UV-visile,IR, Raman and NMR).
Section 'C'
Kinetic theory of gases and gas laws. Maxwell's law of distribution of velocities. Van der Vaals equation. Law of corresponding states. Specific heat of gases, ration Cp/Cv.
Thermodynamics - The first law of thermodynamics. Isothermal and adiabatic expansions. Enthalpy, heat capacities and thermochemistry. Heats of reaction. Calculation of bond energies. Krichoff's equation. Criteria for spontaneous changes, Second law of thermodynamics.Entropy. Free energy, Criteria for chemical equilibrium,
Solutions - Osmotic pressure. Lowering of vapour pressure, depression of freezing point and elevation of boiling point. Determiantion of molecular weight in solution. Association and dissocation of solutes.
Chemical equilibria - Law of mass action and its application to homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibrua; Le Chatelier principle and its application to chemical equilibria.
Chemical Kinetics - Molecularity and order of a reation. First order and second order reactions. Temperature coefficient and energy of activation. Collision theory of reaction rates. Qualitative treatment of theory of activated complex.
Electrochemistry - Faraday's laws of electrolysis, conductivity of an electrolyte. Equivalent conductivity and its variation with dilution. Solubility of sparingly soluble salts. Electrolytic dissociation. Ostwald's dilution law, anomaly of strong electrolytes.
Solubility product. Strength of acids and bases. Hydrolysis of salts. Hydrogen ion concentration. Buffer action. Theory of indicators.
Reversible cells- Standard hydrogen and calomal electrodes, Redox potentials, Concentration cells. Ionic product of water. Potentiometric titrations. Phase rule- Explanation of terms involved. Application to one and two component systems. Distribution law.
Colloids - General nature of colloidal solutions and their classification. Coagulation. Protective action and Gold number. Absorption.
Catalysis - Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis. Promoters and Poisons.