(Syllabus) RAS Pre-Syllabus: Geography (Code No. 15)
Rajasthan Public Service Commission
RAS Pre-Syllabus: Geography (Code No. 15)
Section 'A' : Fundamentals of Geography :
(i) Physical Geography
(ii) Human Geography
(iii) Economic Geography
(iv) Cartography & Surveying
Section 'B' ; Geography of the World :
(i) Land forms; Climates ; Soils; Vegetation and Natural Regions.
(ii) Population ; Growth and distribution; Races of mankind; Transhumance and
International migrations.
(iii) Hunting ; Food gathering, Fishing; Lumbering; Livestock-raising;
Agriculture; Minerals and Energy resources ; Industries.
(iv) Regional Study of S.E. Asia, S.W. Asia, Japan, China; U.S.A. & Russia.
Section 'C' : Geography of India :
(i) Physiography; Climate ; Soils and Vegetation.
(ii) Fisheries; Forestry; Livestock-raising ; Irrigation and Agriculture.
(iii) Minerals; Energy Resources and Industries.
(iv) Population; Human Settlements; Trade and Transportation.
Section 'D': Geography of Rajasthan :
(i) Physiography; Climate ; Soils, and Vegetation.
(ii) Fisheries; Forestry; Livestock-raising; Irrigation and Agriculture.
(iii) Minerals; Energy Resources and Industries
(iv) Population; Human Settlements and Transportation.