(Report) World Economic Forum: Global Information Technology Report 2009–2010
World Economic Forum
Global Information Technology Report 2009–2010
The Global Information Technology Report 2009–2010 is a special project within the framework of the Global Competitiveness Network and the Industry Partnership Program for Information Technology and Telecommunications Industries. It is the result of a collaboration between the World Economic Forum and INSEAD.
As the world economy begins to recover from one of the worst economic crises in decades, information and communication technologies (ICT) is bound to play an increasingly prominent role as a key enabler of renewed and sustainable growth, given that it has become an essential element of the infrastructure underpinning competitive economies. ICT will continue spreading its revolutionary power to modernize economies and societies and improve living conditions and opportunities around the world. ICT performance will remain crucial not only for developed countries for sustaining and enhancing their innovation potential and long-term competitiveness, but also for middle-income and developing countries in fostering structural transformations, increasing efficiency as well as reducing the digital, economic, and social divides within their territories and vis-à- is more advanced economies.
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Courtesy: weforum.org