(Syllabus) RAS Syllabus (Main): History (Code No. 18)
Rajasthan Public Service Commission
RAS Syllabus (Main): History (Code No. 18)
History Paper-I
(Indian History from earliest times to 1757 A.D.)
- Influence of geographical factors in Indian history, cultural unity in diversity.
- Indus Valley Civilization; salient features, extent chronology, town planning economic life, religion.
- Vedic Culture, political, social and religious ideas.
- Cultural significance of the Epics, Ramayana and Mahabharat; the Sangam Age.
- Rise of the Janapadas and the growth of the Magadhan empire.
- Buddhism and Jainism; evolution, main teachings and contributions.
- Mauryan Empire; political history, administration, Ashoka's Dhamma, contribution to Indian culture.
- The Imperial Guptas; Samudra Gupta, Chandra Gupta II and Skanda Gupta.
- Cultural achievement of the Gupta age; religion, philosophy, literature, art, sciences and codification of laws.
- India's cultural contacts with the outside world; West Asia, Central and South East Asia.
- The Imperial Kanauj, Harsha and his achievements, tripartite struggle.
- Cultural contribution of the Chalukyas, Pallavas. Rashtrakutas and Cholas, Chola administration, Sankaracharya.
- The establishment and expansion of Delhi sultanate; theory of kingship, Khiliji imperialism, economic policy of khiljis and Tughluqs. Mangol menance, nature of Afghan sovereignty;
- Rajput resistance to the Turks with special reference to Prithvi Raj III, Ratan Singh of Chittor, Hammir of Ranthambhor and Kumbha; cultural achievements of Kumbha.
- The administrative, social, economic and cultural conditions during the Sultanate period.
- The Bhakti movement and its social significance; Hindu-Muslim cultural synthesis.
- Establishment of the Mughal rule : the revival of the Afghans under Sher Shah, expansion and consolidation of the Mughal power (1556-1707).
- Disintegration of Mughal empire; Mughal-Rajput relations. Deccan and North-West frontier policies, Shivaji and the Maratha Challenges.
- Religious policy of the Mughals, Mughal administration, land revenue and Mansabdari systems, social and economic conditions, arts and literatures.
History Paper-II
(Indian History 1757-1950 and Main Currents of Modern World History)
- Establishment of British rule in Bengal, Peshwas and the emergence of Maratha confederacy, British policy towards the Indian states (1772-1858). Ranjit Singh and British relations with Punjab.
- Decline of cottage industries; growth of new administrative, revenue and judicial systems.
- The outbreak of 1857 - its nature, causes and consequences.
- Role of Christian missionaries in India, the growth of English education and press.
- Social and religious reform movements of the 19th century; ideas and contributions of Raja Ram Mohan Rai, Dayanand and Vivekanand.
- Nature of British imperialism; liberal and conservative trends in administration-Ripon and Curzon.
- Rise of nationalism; birth of Indian National congress, national movement under moderates and extremists.
- The growth of Muslim League and communalism in Indian politics.
- Economic drain, railways, causes of industrial and agricultural backwardness.
- Emergence of Gandhi and mass movements; technique of Satyagraha.
- Constitutional development; Indian Councils Act of 1909; Govt. of India Acts, 1919 and 1935.
- August offer, Cripps' Mission, Quit India Movement, Simla Conference, Cabinet Mission Plan, Indian independence, legacy of the British rule.
- Renaissance; its meaning, nature and impact, Reformation and its impact.
- Mercantilism and industrial revolution.
- War of American Independence.
- French Revolution and its impact; Nepoleon Bonaparte.
- Growth of Nationalism; unification of Germany and Italy.
- Growth of colonialism and imperialism.
- Causes and consequences of the First World War.
- Ressian Revolution of 1917.
- Economic depression of 1930.
- Causes and effects of the Second World War.
- Modernization of Japan; Communist Revolution in China.
- Colonial struggles in South-East Asia, Indo-China and Africa; Rise of Arab Nationalism upto Suez Crisis.