(Syllabus) RAS Syllabus (Main): Mechanical Engineering (Code No. 21)
Rajasthan Public Service Commission
RAS Syllabus (Main): Mechanical Engineering (Code No. 21)
Mechanical Engineering Paper-I
1. THERMODYNAMICS Thermodynamics- Heat, work and temperature, First and second Law of Thermodynamics and their applications. Carnot, Otto, Diesel, Dual, Sterling, Joule Cycles. Vapour power cycles like Rankine, reheat and regenerative cycle.
2. HEAT TRANSFER - Steady State, one dimensional heat conduction, convertive heat transfer, Thermal boundary layer. Heat Exchangers. Heat transfer by radiation, Introduction to two phase heat transfer i.e. boiling and condensation.
3. THERMAL ENERGY CONVERSION - Combustion phenomenon in spark ignition and compression ignition engines, operating characteristics and energy balance. Gas turbine and modification in the operating of simple cycle. Steam turbines, velocity diagram, reheat factor, Unconventional power systems, Nuclear power and MHD systems, solar energy utilization. Selection of site for steam, hydro, nuclear, power plants. Modern high pressure and high duty boilers, draft and dust removal equipments.
4. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING - Refrigeration cycle, different methods of refrigeration. Analysis of vapour compressor and vapour absorption cycles. Properties of important refrigerants. Psychrometry, heating cooling, humidification and dehumidification, Human comfort, Air conditioning, Air Conditioning Plants layout.
5. FLUID MECHANICS - Continuity equation, Bernoulli's theorem flow through pipes Laminar and Turbulent flow, moments of momentum equation. Flow around immersed bodies, viscous flow. Boundary layer on a flat plate. Flow through convergent-divergent nozzle, Measurement of flow by Venturimeter, V notch and pitot tube.
6. HYDRAULIC MACHINES - Euler's turbine equation, Pelton, Francis and Kaplan turbines, rotodynamis pumps. Their construction, performance and characteristics.
Mechanical Engineering-II
1. THEORY OF MACHINES - Kinematics; analysis of machine elements,
quadratic chain and its inversion, velocity and acceleration diagrams, coriolis
component, Power transmission: belts, chains and gears, epicyclic gears,
hydraulic drives, torque converters, clutches,.
Vibrations and balancing: Balancing of multirotor systems and reciprocating
masses. Free and forced vibrations with and without damping. Critical speed and
whirling of shafts.
2. MACHINE DESIGN : Design of machine elements subjected to direct stresses. Design of members subjected to bending, torsion; like beams, springs, laminated springs etc. Design of shafts, couplings, gears, thick and thin cylinders. Basic ergonomics.
3. PRODUCTION ENGINEERING - Principles of metal cutting, tool life, economics of machining types of machine tools, Numerically controlled machines, recent machining methods - EDM, ECM, USM, LBM. forming processes : High energy rate forming. Jigs, Fixture, tools and gauges. Inspection of length, position, profile an surface finish.
4. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING - Principles of scientific management, concept of motivation, recruitment, training placement and performance appraisal of industrial personnel. Incentive schemes, Balance sheet, ratio analysis. Time and method study. Value Engineering.
5. OPERATION RESEARCH AND PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT - Linear Programming, allocation, transportation, assignment problems, game theory, Statistical quality control, inventory control, replacement theory and waiting line theory. Product design, Break-even analysis. Location and layout, material handling equipment production planning and control, concept of PERT and CPM.