(Syllabus) RAS Syllabus (Main): Political Science & International Relations (Code No. 25)
Rajasthan Public Service Commission
RAS Syllabus (Main): Political Science & International Relations (Code No. 25)
Political Science & International Relations Paper-I
- Nature and Scope o Political Science : Traditional and Contemporary Approaches,; Behaviouralism and Post-Behaviouralism; System Approach and Marxian Approach to Political Analysis.
- Emergence and Nature of the Modern State : Sovereignty, Monistic and Pluralistic perspectives, Power, Authority and Legitimacy.
- Political Thought : Manu, Kautilya, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, Marsiglio of Padua Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Motesquieu, Rousseau, Bentham, Mil, Green, Hegel, Marx, Lenin and Mao.
- Concepts : Liberty, Equality, Justice, Law, Revolution, Social Change, Secularism, Political Socialisation, Political Culture, Political Development, Political Modernisation.
- Democracy, Authoritarianism, Fascism and Marxism.
- National Movement and Constitutional Evolution : Socio-Religious Reform Movements - Major Contribution; The Indian National Congress, Foundation, Objectives and Role from 1885 to 1915; Major Movements : Non-cooperation; Khilafat; Civil Disobedience; Quit India: Act of 1919: Dyarchy Act of 1935: Provincial Autonomy and Federal Scheme; Cripps Mission; Cabinet Mission; Wavell Plan; Mountbatten Plan.
- Constitution and Political System in India : Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles of State Policy, Union Government - President, Cabinet, Lock Sabha, Rajya Sabha, Supreme Court: Federalism and Centre-State-Relations. Amendment process of Constitution: Governor: Panchayati Raj: political Parties Pressure groups.
- Representative Indian Political Thinkers: Rammohan Roy, Vivekanand, Dadabhai Naoroji, B.G. Tila, Aurobindo, G.K.Gokhale, M.A.Jinnah, V.D.Savarkar, B.R.Ambedkar, M.N.Roy, Jawaharlal Nehru, Jai Prakash Narayan, M.K.Gandhi and Ram Monohar Lohia.
- Planning and development process: Role of Bureaucracy in development administration: Decentralized Planning and rural development.
- Determinants of political process in India: Case, Class, Religion, Region, Challenge of Sub-nationalistic forces to National Integration.
Political Science & International Relations Paper-II
- Concepts and theories of International Politics : Power: National Interest: Balance of Power. The Realist Theory; System theory, Decision Making: Determinants of foreign policy: National Interest: Ideology; Elements of National Power.
- The Cold War : Origin, evolution and its impact on international relations: Détente.
- Neo-colonialism and racialism, their impact on international relations, Asian-African resurgence, Non-Alignment: Meaning, Bases, the non aligned Movement and its role in international relations.
- The present International economic order; aid, trade and economic development; the struggle for the New International Economic Order.
- Origin and Development of International Organizations: The United Nations and its Specialized Agencies, Regional Organisations.
- Arms race, disarmament and arms control; Conventional and nuclear arms. The impact of nuclear weapons on international relations, the partial Test-ban Treaty; the Nuclear-Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT); Peaceful Nuclear Explosions (PNE).
- Conflict and cooperation in South Asia and West Asia.
- The foreign policies of the major powers: United States, Russia and China.
- The Third world in international relations; the North-South "Dialogue" in the United National and Outside.
- India's Foreign policy and relations with Super Powers and neighbours. India and the questions of nuclear weapons.