(Syllabus) RAS Syllabus (Main): Sociology (Code No. 28)
Rajasthan Public Service Commission
RAS Syllabus (Main): Sociology (Code No. 28)
Sociology Paper-I
Development of Sociology as a discipline, Its relationship with other disciplines, : Science and Social behaviour, the problem of objectivity, the scientific methods and design of sociological research, techniques of data collection and measurement including participant and non-participant observation, interview schedules and questionnaires.
Pioneering contributions to sociology : The seminal ideas of Durkheim, Weber and Mars.
Marx: Historical materialism, alienation, class and class struggle; Durkheim: division of labour, social fact, religion and society: Webber: Social action, types of authority, bureaucracy, rationality, Protestant ethnic and the spirit of capitalism ideal types.
The individual and society, individual behaviour, social interaction, society and social group, social system, status and role; culture, personality and socialization; conformity, deviance and social control : role, conflict Social stratification and mobility: Inequality and stratification: different conceptions of class; theories of stratification, caste and class: class and society: types of mobility; open and closed models of mobility.
Family, marriage and kinship : Structure and functions of family; structural principles of kinship; family descent and kinship; change in society and change in marriage and family; marriage and divorce.
Economic system Economic Systems of Simple and Complex Societies : Types of Exchange; and division of labour; social aspects of preindustrial and industrial economic system; industrialization and changes in the political education, religious, familial and stratificational sphere; social determinants and consequences of economic development.
Political System: Community power structure : power of the elite, class power, power authority and legitimacy; power in democracy; political parties and voting.
Religion : The religious phenomenon; the sacred and the profance; social functions and dysfunctions of religion; magic religion and science; changes in society and changes in religion and secularization.
Social change and development : Social structure and social change, continuity and change; Processes of change; theories of change; social disorganization and social movement; directed social change, social policy and social development.
Sociology Paper-II
Historical moorings of the Indian Society : Traditional Hindu social organization: socio-cultural dynamics through the ages, especially the impact of Buddhism, Islam and the modern West; factors in continuity and changes.
Social stratification : Caste system and its transformation, aspects of ritual, economic and caste status, cultural and structural view about casts, mobility in caste, issues of equality and social justice caste among the Hindus and the non- Hindus; Casteism; the Backward Classes and the Scheduled Castes: Untouchability and its eradication; agrarian and industrial class structure.
Family, Marriage and kinship : Changing aspects of Kinship: the joint family its structural and functional aspects and its changing form and disorganization; marriage among different ethnic groups and changing trends; Impact of legislation and socio-economics change upon family and marriage; Changing status of women.
Economic system : The Jajmani system and its bearing on the traditional society; market economy and its social consequences; occupational diversification and social structure, social determinants and consequences of economic development; economic inequalities, exploitation and corruption.
Political system : The functioning of the democratic political system in a traditional society; political parties and their social composition; social structural origins of political elites and their social orientations decentralization of power and political participation.
Educational system : Educational and society in the traditional and the modern contexts; education and social mobility, educational problems o women, the Backward Classes and the Scheduled Castes.
Religion : Demographic dimensions, inter religious interaction and its manifestation in the problems of conversion, minority status and communalism, secularism. Tribal societies and their integration: Distinctive features of tribal communities, tribe and caste: acculation and integration.
Rural social system and community development : Socio cultural dimensions of the village community: traditional power structure, democratization and of land reforms, Community Development Programme and other planned development project; Green Revolution: new strategies of rural development.
Urban social organization : Continuity and chance in the traditional cases of social organization, namely, kinship, caste and religion in the urban context; stratification and mobility in urban communities, ethnic diversity and community integration: rural-urban differences in demographic and sociocultural characteristics and their social consequences.
Population dynamic : Socio cultural aspects of sex and age structure, fertility and mortality and migration; the problem of population explosion, social psychological, cultural and economic factors in the adoption of family planning practices.
Social change and modernization : Problems of Role Conflict-youth unrest-intergenerational gap; Major Sources of social change and of Resistance to change, impact of West, Reform movements, social movement, industrialization and urbanization, pressure groups factors of planned change-Five Year Plans legislative and executive measure; process of change Sanskritiaztion, Westernization and Modernization; Means of modernization-mass media and education, problem of change and modernization-structural contribution and breakdowns.
Current Social Evils : Casteism, Nepotism, Regionalism, Smuggling, Black Money; Crime and Juvenile Deliquency in India.