(Syllabus) RAS Syllabus (Main): Zoology (Code No. 30)
Rajasthan Public Service Commission
RAS Syllabus (Main): Zoology (Code No. 30)
Zoology Paper-I
Non-Chordata & Chordata :
1. Classification on Non-Chordata with diagnostic features and examples of all phyla and their sub-division upto classes.
2. Systematic position, structural organization, biological function, and
life history of the following types :-
(i) PROTOZOA : Paramedium Monocystis, Plasmodium & Tryponosome.
(ii) PORIFERA : Sycon, Canal system in sponges.
(iii) COELENTERATA : Obelia, Aurelia, Polymorphism, Alternation of Generation.
(iv) PLATYHELMINTHES : Fasciola, Taenia, Parasitic adaplations.
(v) ASCHELMINTHES : Ascaris.
(vi) ANNELIDA : Pheretima, Nereis and Hirudinaria.
(vii) ARTHROPODA : Palaemon, Periplaneta and Palamneus, Social organization in
termites and bees.
(viii) MOLLUSCA : Pila and Unio (=Lamellidens).
(ix) ECHINODERMATA : Asterias.
3. Classification of Protochordata and Chordata with diagnostic features, examples and sub-division upto orders.
4. PROTOCHORDATA : (A) Systemic position, structural organization,
biological functions and life history of Herdmania, Brachiostoma, Balanolossus.
(B) Ascidian tadpole larva and Retrogressive wetamorganosis.
(C) Salient features of Petromyzon & ammocete larva.
5. CHORDATA : Comparative morphology and physiology of vertebrates : (1) Comparative anatomy of following systems from fish to mammals : (a) Integument (b) Digestive system (c) Respiratory system (d) Circulatory system (Evolution of aortie arches) (e) Excretary system (evolution of kidney) (f) Reproductive system (g) Nervous system (h) Sense organs (i) Endocrine glands.
a. Economic importance of insects including apiculture, sericulture and Lac
b. Pisciculture and Pearl culture & formation.
c. Principle methods of insect control.
d. Invertebrates and diseases.
a. Neoteny
b. Flight adaptations in birds.
c. Poisonous and non-poisonous snakes.
d. Parental care.
e. Larval forms in invertebrates.
Zoology Paper-II
(A) Cell theory (Prokaryotic & eukaryotic cells.)
(B) Ultra structure of animal cells.
(C) Structure, functions, and chemical, organization of:
(1) Plasma membrane (2) Endoplasmic reticulum (3) Golgi complex (4) Mitochondria
(5) Lysosomes (6) Ribosomes (7) Cilia, flagella and microtubules (8) Centriole
(9) Nucleus (interphase nucleus, nuclear membrane, euchromatin, heterochromatin,
Chromosomes including gaint chromosomes and nucleolus.
(D) Cell metabolism
(E) Cell division.
(A) Brief history of Microbiology:
(B) Bacteria :
(1) Structure, functional organization and reproduction.
(2) Classification.
(3) Medical importance.
(4) For human welfare.
(C) Virus
(1) Basic Features & Architecture.
(2) Classification.
(3) Nucleic acid of a mature virus Bacteriophage.
A. Introduction, historical perspective & future prospects.
B. Elementary knowledge of -
(1) Biotechnology and medicine
(2) Biotechnology and environment
(3) Biotechnology, food & drinks
A. Mendel's Law of inheritance & its present status.
B. Chromosomal theory of inheritance, genetic disorders in human being due to
variation in chromosomes.
C. Crossing over and linkage.
D. Sex determinations & mechanism of Sex-linked inheritance in man.
E. Mutations (Gene, point & frame-shift), Mutagenic agents.
F. Molecular genetics (Nucleic acid, genetic code, structure and regulation of
gene & protein synthesis.
G. Bacterial genetic (transformations, transduction & conjugation)
H. Multiple alleles.
I. Elementary idea of agencies.
A. Biochemical energetic (Basic thermodynamics, energy and its forms),
Biological oxidation; glycolysis, krebs cycle, oxidative phosphorylation.
B. Biochemical Genetics (Recombinant DNA and its application).
C. Enzymes characteristic, classification, mechanism of action including factors
affecting enzymes activity.
D. Elementary knowledge of vitamins, carbohydrates and proteins.
E. Metabolism: Energy metabolism and food intake, mineral metabolism (iodine,
iron, calcium & zinc) metabolism of nucleic acids and derivatives.
A. Gametogenesis (Formation and structure of egg & sperm an vitellogenesis.
B. Fertilization: Cleavage; morula; Blastulation and Gastrulation Mechanisms and
C. Elementary knowledge of embryonic induction, Primary Organiser,
Differentiation, Organogenesis, Malignancy & Regeneration in animals.
D. Embryogenesis of Frog.
E. Development of chick upto four Somites.
F. Embryonic adaptation (Extra-embryonic membrance in Chick & Mammals and
A. Abiotic (soil, water, light, temperature) & Biotic (interspecific & intra
specific) factors : Concept of Limiting factors.
B. Population Ecology: Measurement & factors affecting population and population
growth form.
C. Community Ecology: Structure, community succession, climax Sere and Ecotone.
D. Ecosystem: Components & dynamics, energy flow, trophic level, food web and
food chain.
E. Habitat ecology: Fresh water, Marine & Terrestrial.
F. Applied ecology: Pollution sources, impact on man, prevention and control:
Management of environment including conservation of natural resources.
A. Brief history and concept of ethology.
B. Methods of studying behaviour.
C. Social behaviour & organization among insects & mammals.
D. Orientation : Taxes, Kinesis, Fish and Bird migration.
E. Communication amongst animals: acoustic, tactile, olfactory, Language of
bees: Pheromones and their roles.
F. Conservation and management of wild life in India; wild life and bird
sanctuaries in India with special reference to Rajasthan.
G. Endangered animal species in India with special reference to Rajasthan.
A. Origin of life.
B. Theories of evolution: Lamarckism, Neo-Lamarckism, Natural selection, Neo-Darwimism
& Molecular basis of evolution.
C. Mechanism of evolution: speciation, variation, isolation, adaptation.
D. Principle Zoogeographical regions. their boundaries & broad faunal patterns,
continental drift.
E. Geological division of earth's crust.
F. Fossil, their significance and imperfection of geological record.
G. Evolution of man.