(Syllabus) RPSC: Syllabus For Post of College Lecturer: History
Rajasthan Public Service Commission
Syllabus For Screening Test For Post of College Lecturer: History
Ancient India:
The Indus Civilization:
- The Cultures which played a role in the evolution of the cities, The major cities and their characteristic features. Trade and contacts with in the sub-continents outside. First urbanization, Survival and continuation of the Indus Civilization.
The Vedic-Age.
- Geographical areas as recorded in the Vedic Texts. Difference and similarities between Vedic Culture and Indus civilization Social and Political patterns of the Vedic age. Major religious ideas and rituals of the vedic age.
The Ganges valley.
- The second urbanisation. The janaapads of the Ganges valley and the growth of towns. Social and economic patterns. The social background to Buddhism and the heterodox sects.
The Mauryan Empire.
- Mauryan chronology and sources. Administration of the empire social and economic activity. Ashok's policy of Dhamma.
Political and Economic History of India, 200 B C to 300 A.D. The emergence of kingdom in northern and southern India, their geographical and political expansim.
- The contribution of trade to the development of Indian economy and
Indian contacts with central Asia, West Asia and South East Asia. The Development of Buddhism & Jainism and the emergence of Bhagvatism.
The Gupta Period.
- Political history of the Gupta Kings. Agrarian structure and revenue system. Development of arts and literature. Development of Vaishnavism, Saivism and Shaktism.
India in the Seventh century A.D.
- Harshavardhan. The Chalukyas. The Pallavas. the Cholas and the South Indian village system and Architecture.
Northern India. 650 - 1200 A.D.
- Political and social conditions. The feudal economy.
Medieval India and Medieval Rajasthan
The Turkish Conquests and the Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526).
- The land revenue system and military and administrative organisation.
Changes in economy and society.
Evolution of Indo-Persian Culture, literature and art.
The provincial kingdoms.
- Polity and society of the Vijayanagara Empire andthe Bahmani kingdoms.
Religious and Reforms movements in Medieval India.
Rajput Resistance to Central and Provincial Powers (12th to 15th Century).
- Prithviraj Chauhan III, Hammir, Kannade and Maharana Kumbha.
The Mughal Empire 1556-1707
- Political History, The Jagir and Mansab Systems.
Central and Provincial Adminstration. Land Revenue systems. Banking and currency reforms.
The Indian Economy (15th to 17th Century)
- Agriculture and agrarian classes. Urbanisation, Trade and Commerce.
Mughal Court Culture :
- Literature, Painting, Architecture & Music.
Medieval Rajasthan (16th & 17 Century).
- Rajput-Mughal conflict - Sanga, Maldev, Pratap.
- Rajput-Mughal co-operation - Man Singh, Rai Singh, Jaswant and Mirza Raja Jai Singh.
- Rajput Art & Architecture.
Decline of Mughal Empire. The Marathas-Shivaji to 1761.
Modern India
- British conquest of Bengal (1740-1772) and Mysore. Overthrow of the Maratha power. Settlement with Rajputana states.
- Anglo-Mughal Relations (1803-1858). 1857 in perspective, Changes in British Administration and Economic policies after 1858.
- Economic impact of British Rule; Changes in Agrarian structure; The permanent Settlement. The royatwari, Commercialisation of Agriculture, growth of Agricultural Labourer.
- Destruction of Handicraft Industries : Growth of Modern Industries and the capitalist class; growth of Foreign Capital, Foreign Trade; Traffic Policy; the Drain of wealth.
- Social Foundation of Indian National Movement. Programme, Policies, Ideology and Techniques of political work of the Early Nationalists.
- Views on the Establishment of the Indian National Congress; Response from Dufferin to Curzon.
- Religious Reforms Movements; Social Reforms and Lower Caste movements and social Change.
- Rise and Growth of Regional Caste Movement in South India and Maharashtra.
- The partition of Bengal and Swdeshi Movement; programme policies, Ideology and Techniques of political works of the Militant Nationalists; Emergence of Revolutionary Movement.
- Emergence of Gandhi in Indian politics; the first Non-Cooperative Movement, the Swarajists, Boycott of Simon Commission and the Nehru Report; purna Swaraj, The second civil Disobedience Movement.
- Growth of Industrial Working Class and Trade Union Movement.
- Peasant and Tribal Movements in Bengal, South India and Rajasthan.
- The Rise and Growth of Left-wing within the Congress, the Congress Socialists and the Communists; The Development of Nationalist Foreign Policy, Development of Nationalist planning Ideology.
- The States peoples Movements, Nature of prajamandal Movement in Rajputana States and its impact.
- The Constitutional Development from 1909 to 1935, Salient features of the Indian Constitution (1950).
- The Congress and other Ministries after 1936; Growth and spread of Communalism; India during World War-II.
- The Cripps Mission; the Revolt of 1942.
- The Indian National army; post war mass Movements, Achievement of Freedom and the partition of India.
- Integration of o the Indian States with special reference to Rajasthan State (1948-1956)
- Western Impact of Indian Art, Culture and Literature.
Modern World:
Economics and Technological Revolution's:
(i) Age of Mercantilism and beginnings of capitalism.
(ii) Agricultural Revolution in Western Europe, 16th to 18th Century.
(iii) Technological Revolution leading to establishment of Factories.
(iv) Development of Capitalism in Britain, France, Germany and Japan.
(v) Development of Imperialism in the 19th Century and theories of Imperialism.
Nationalism In Europe:
(i) Aims, Achievements and character of the French Revolution 1789-1795.
(ii) Roots of Nationalism in the 19th Century-Italy and Germany.
(iii) Rise of liberalism in British in the 19th century.
(iv) The Russian Revolution of 1917.
(v) Nazi Germany; Nationalism and Militarism in Japan 1923-1941. Fascism in
National Movement In Asia:
(i) Stage of colonialism in India, Mercantilist Free Trade and Finance.
(ii) Dutch Colonialism in Indonesia in the 19th Century.
(iii) Egypt under Mohammed Ali, Syed Pasha and Ismail Pasha-Colonization of
Egyptial Economy, 1876-1920.
(iv) The Opium War and the Development of the Treaty port System in China
1840-1860, Economic expansion in China 1895-1914.
(v) The Anti-Imperialist Movements in Indonesia. Indo-China and Egypt. The
Revolution in China, 1919-1949.
Note :- Pattern of Question Paper
- Objective type paper
- Maximum Marks : 100
- Number of Questions : 100
- Duration of Paper : Two Hours
- All questions carry equal marks.
- There will be Negative Marking.
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