(Syllabus) RPSC: Syllabus For Post of College Lecturer: Law
Rajasthan Public Service Commission
Syllabus For Post of College Lecturer: Law
UNIT-I : Jurisprudence and Public Law :
(a) Jurisprudence - Meaning, Nature, Scope, Sources, Schools and Concepts.
(b) Constitutional Law - Preamble, fundamental Rights and Duties, Directive
principles, President and his powers, The Union & the State Judiciary,
Legislative Relations between the Union and the States, Services under the Union
and States, Emergency provisions and amendment of the Constitution.
(c) Administrative Law - Nature and Growth, principles of Natural Justice,
Judicial Review, administrative Tribunals, Delegated legislation, Lokayukta and
UNIT-II : Public International; Law, Human Rights and Environmental Law :
(a) Public International Law - Nature and Sources of international Law,
Relations between International Law and Municipal Law, subjects of International
Law, acquisition and loss of territory - Recognition, Extradition, Asylum, State
Succession, Intervention, diplomatic Relations, Treaties, United Nations
Organisation and its organs.
(b) Human Rights - Nature, Concept, Origin and Development, Classification,
protection of Human Rights under the constitution and other Laws, enforcement of
Human Rights - The protection of Human Rights Act, 1993.
(c) Environmental Law - The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986; The AIR
(Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, The water (Prevention & Control
of Pollution) Act, 1974, the Rajasthan Noise Control Act, 1963.
UNIT-III : Mercantile and Property Law :
(a) Law of Contract - General principles of law of contract (sections 1 to 75
of Indian Contract Act, 1872), Law of Sale of Goods, Law of Partnership.
(b) Law of Transfer of Property - General principles of transfer of property
(Section 1 to 53 A of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882), Sale, Mortgage,
Lease, Exchange and Gifts.
(c) Intellectual Property Law - The Patents Act, 1970, The copyrights Act, 1957,
The Trade Marks Act, 1999.
UNIT-IV : Law of Torts and Crimes :
(a) Torts - Nature, General exceptions, Negligence, Nuisance, Defamation,
Vicarious Liability, State liability and strict liability.
(b) Law of Crimes - General exceptions, conspiracy, sedition, offences affecting
public peace, offences affecting human body, offences against property and
(c) Law of Evidence - Preliminary, relevancy of facts, Admission and Confession,
Oral and documentary Evidence, Burden of Proof and Estoppel.
UNIT-V : Family and Interpretation of Statues :
(a) Law relating to Marriage, Divorce, Adoption, Maintenance, Guardianship &
Succession under the Hindu Law.
(b) Law relating to Marriage, Dower, Divorce, Hiba, Will and Wakf under Muslim
(c) Interpretation of Statutes - Meaning, Principles, Aids and Maxims.
Note :- Pattern of Question Paper
- Objective type paper
- Maximum Marks : 100
- Number of Questions : 100
- Duration of Paper : Two Hours
- All questions carry equal marks.
- There will be Negative Marking.
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