CSAT 2011 Question. Are They psychometric?

CSAT 2011 question. Are they psychometric?


I found following questions on upsc site. I have no idea what type of  questions are they? Are they psychometric?

Q.1 You have come across a case where in an old sick lady is unable to submit her life certificate and claim pension to meet her treatment expenses. Knowing your superior’s procedural approach in handling  issues, you.
(a) Go strictly as per the procedures
(b) Take initiative to help the  lady arranging  for alternative documents
(c) Assist the lady with some money on your own but do not compromise on procedures.
(d) Avoid some procedural steps since you understand the necessity of  the lady.

Q 2. You along with your friend were chatting in a restaurant over a cup of  coffee. Suddenly you heard an intense sound of blast very close by you.
(a) Jump on your feet and hold your friend tightly
(b) Take your look away from the source of noise and start praying for the best
(c) Start locating the source of noise
(d) Start shouting for help

By: Abhish


These questions seems trivial but in my opinion these should be answered by looking at all the options carefully. the Answer to first question -(c) Assist the lady with some money on your own but do not compromise on procedures. let us have a look at the options.

(1) (Option ) going by strict procedures is  fine but is not a exact way to handle the situation. ( I am not saying we should compromise the system)
(2) Taking initiative for  arranging alternative document will meant that u r showing the way to others to do the same and henceforth less people will submit the original procedural document.
(4) Avoiding some procedural steps would compromise the system.
(3) In that context option 3 seems to be the best.


(1) Jump on your feet and hold your friend tightly (shows he self interest of person)
(2) by this reaction u see to be avoiding the situation
(4) this reaction shows that u do not think before taking any action carefully
(3) this would b a better choice because u never know what is the source of noise( It can be something non hazardous to ne1)

These answers are in my opinion which necessarily may not be true.

By: Ashish goel