(Syllabus) Karnataka PSC: Syllabus For Lecturer of Science in Junior Technical School
Karnataka Public Service Commission
Lecturer of Science in Junior Technical School
Syllabus For Lecturer (Science) in Junior Technical School in The Department of Technical Education
1. Mechanics:-
Units and dimensions, S.I.Units, Motion in one & two dimensions, Newton’s Law of motion with applications variable mass systems frictional forces, work power and energy. Conservative and non conservative systems. Collisions, Conservation of energy, Linear and angular momentum, Rotational Kinematics, Rotational dynamics, Equilibrium of rigid bodies gravitation, Planetary motion, Artificial satellites, Surface tension and Viscosity. Fluid dynamics, stream line and turbulant motion. Bornoulli’s equation with applications. Strokes law and its application. Special theory of relativity. Lorentz transformation. Mass energy equivalence.
2. Waves and Oscillations:-
Simple Harmonic motion, Travelling and stationary waves. Super position of waves, Beats forced oscillations, Damped oscillations, Resonance, Sound waves, vibration of air column strings and rods, ultrasonic waves and their applications. Doppler effect.
3. Optics:-
Matrix methods in paraxial optics, the lens formulae, Nodal planes. Systems of two thick lenses, Chromatic and Spherical aberation. Optical instruments. Eye pieces Nature and propagation of light. Interference Division of wave front. Division of amplitude. Simple interferometers. Diffraction, Franhofer and Fresnol. Gratings, Resolving power of optical instruments. Rayleigh criterion polarisation production and detection of polarised light. Rayleigh scattering and Ravan scattering. Lasers and their applications.
4. Thermal Physics:-
Thermometry, laws of thermodynamics, Heat engines Entropy, Thermodynamics potential and Maxwells rings, Vandernalls equations of State,Critical constants. Joule – Thompson effect, phase transtition. Transport phenomenon, Heat conduction, specific heat in solids, Kinetic theory of gases. Ideal gas quation, Maxwells velocity distribution. Equipartition of energy, mean free path, Brownian motion. Black body radiation. Plank’s law.
5. Electricity and Magnetism:-
Electric charge, fields and potentials, Coloumb’s law. Gauss law, Capacitance, Dielectrics ohm’s law. Kirchoff’s laws. Magnetic field, Ampere’s law, Faraday’s laws of electro magnetic induction. Lenz’s law, Alternating currents, LCR Circuits, Series and Parallel resonance. Q-factor, Thermoelectric effect and their applications, Electro magnetic waves. Motion of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields partical oscillations. VandeGraff generator.
6. Modern Physics:-
Bohr’s theory of hydrogen atom, optical and x ray spectra, photo electric effect, Crompton effect, wave nature of matter and wave particle duality, Natural and artifical radio activity, Alpha, Beta and Gama radiation, Chain decay, Nuclear fission and fusion Elementary particles and classification.
7. Electronics:-
Vacuum tubes and triode, P and N type materials, P.N.diodes and transistors, Circuits for rectification, amplification and oscillation, logic gates.
1. Section A:
Atomic number, Electronic configuration of elements, periodic classification of elements ‘ s ‘ ‘ p ‘ ‘ d ‘ and ‘ f ‘ block element, Atomic and ionic radii, ionization potential, electron affinity and electro negativity. Natural and artifical radioactivity, Theory of nuclear disintegration, Radio active series, nuclear bindings energy, nuclear reaction, fission and fusion, Radio active isotopes and their uses. Electronics theory of valency, covalent bonds, shapes of simple molecules, bond order and bond length oscillation states and oxidation member, common redox reactions. Ionic equation, Chemistry of common elements and their compounds, principles of extraction of metals.
2. Organ compounds:
Alkanes, Alkenes and Alkynes, Aliphatic compounds, halides, alcohols, aldehydes, Ketones, acids esters, ethers, quines and nitro compounds.
3. Carbohydrates:-
Classification and general reactions, structure of Glucose, fructose and sucrose, Benzene and its compounds, Chemistry of oils, fats, proteins and their vitamins.
4. Kinetic theory of gases and gas law, specific heat of gases.
5.Thermodynamics: Laws of thermo dynamics, isothermal and adiabatic expansion, Enthalpy, heat capacities and thermo Chemistry, Heats of reaction, calculation of band energies.
6. Solutions:- Osmotic pressure, Lowering of vapour pressure.
7. Electro Chemistry:- Faraday’s laws of electrolysis, Strength of acids and bases, Hydrolysis of salts, Theory of titration.
Websites: www.kpsc.kar.nic.in
Courtesy: kpsc.kar.nic.in