(Syllabus) Himachal Pradesh PSC: State Eligibility Test (Physical Education)
Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission
SET: Physical Education (Code-18)
- Introduction to and definition, aim and objectives of Physical Education and other terms-health education and recreation.
- Philosophies of Education as applied to Physical Education- Idealism,Naturalism, Realism, Pragmatism, Existentialism, Humanism.
- Biological basis of physical activity-benefits of exercise, growth and exercise, exercise and well-being sex and age characteristics of adolescent, body types.
- Psychological basis of Physical Education-Play and Play theories, general principles of growth and development, Principles of motor-skill acquisition, transter of training effects.
- Sociological basis of Physical Education-socialization process, social nature of men and physical activity, sports as cultural heritage of mankind, customs, traditions and sport, competition and cooperation.
- Physical Education in ancient Greece, Rome and Contemporary Germany, Sweden, Denmark and Russia.
- Olympic Movement-Historical development of Ancient and Modern Olympic Games.
- Physical Education in India.
- Physiology of Muscular activity, Neurotransmission and Movement mechanism.
- Physiology of respiration.
- Physiology of blood circulation.
- Factors influencing performance in sports.
- Bioenergetics and recovery process.
- Athletic injuries-their management and rehabilitation.
- Therapeutic modalities.
- Engogenic aids and doping.
- Joints and their movements-planes and axes.
- Kinetics, Kinematics-linear and angular, levers.
- Laws of motion, principles of equilibrium and force, spin and elasticity.
- Posture,Postural deformities and their correction.
- Muscular analysis of Motor movement.
- Mechanical analysis of various sports activities.
- Mechanical analysis of fundamental movements-(running, jumping, throwing, pulling and pushing).
- Massage manipulation and therapeutic exercises.
- Learning process-theories and laws of learning.
- Motivation, theories and dynamics of motivation in spots.
- Psychological factors affecting sports performance-viz.,stress, anxiety, tension and aggression.
- Personality, its dimensions, theories, personality and performance.
- Individual differences and their impact on skill learning and performance.
- Group dynamics, team cohesion and leadership in sports.
- Socio-metrics, economics and politics in sports.
- Media and sports.
- Development of teacher education in Physical Education.
- Professional courses in Sports and Physical Education in India.
- Professional Ethics.
- Qualities and Qualifications of Physical Educational Personnel.
- Principles of curriculum planning.
- Course content for academic and professional courses.
- Age characterisitics of pupils and selection of activities.
- Construction of class and school Physical Education time table.
- Health-Guiding principles of health and health education.
- Nutrition and dietary manipulations.
- Health-related fitness, obesity and its management.
- Environmental and occupational hazards and first aid.
- Communicable diseases-their preventive and therapeutic aspect.
- School health programme and personal hygiene.
- Theories and principles of recreation.
- Recreation programme for various categories of people.
- Characteristics and principles of sports training.
- Training load and periodization.
- Training methods and specific training programme for development of various motor qualities.
- Technical and Tactical preparation for sports.
- Short-term and long-term training plans.
- Sports talent identification-process and procedures.
- Preparing for competition-(build up competitions, main competition, competition frequency, psychological preparation).
- Rules of Games and Sports and their interpretations.
- Nature, scope and type of research.
- Formulation and selection of research problem.
- Sampling-process and techniques.
- Methods of research.
- Data collection-tools and techniques.
- Statistical techniques of data analysis-measures of central tendency and variability, correlation, normal probability curve, t-test and f-test, chi-square, z-test.
- Hypothesis-formulation, types and testing.
- Writing research report.
- Concept of test, measurement and evaluation.
- Principles of measurement and evaluation.
- Construction and classification of tests.
- Criteria of test evaluation.
- Concepts and assessement of physical fitness, motor fitness, moter ability and motor educability.
- Skill test for Badminton, Basket ball, Hockey, Lawn-tennis, Soccer, Volley ball.
- Testing psychological variables-competitive anxiety, aggression, team cohesion, motivation, self-concept.
- Anthropometric measurements and body composition.
- Concept and principles of management.
- Organisation and functions of sports bodies.
- Intramurals and Extramurals.
- Management of infrastructure, equipments, finance and personnel.
- Methods and Techniques of teaching.
- Principles of planning physical education lessons.
- Pupil-teacher interaction and relationship.
- Concept of techniques of supervision.
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