(Interview) UPSC Interview By Yashpal (Mrs. Rajni Razdan)
UPSC: IFS Interview By Yashpal
Name: Yashpal
Time: 10 Minutes
Good Afternoon Mam.
Chairperson: Good Afternoon, please be seated.
C: What is your name, roll no, date of birth etc.
Me: Told the answers in a smiling manner
C: (Showed me my passport photo & asked) is it you.
Me: Yes Mam.
C: So Mr. Yashpal you are already in a job
Me: Yes Mam I am in Indian army & undergoing training in officers
training academy, Chennai.
C: Then why do you want to leave army & join forest services.
Me: Mam actually everybody seeks a job after finishing his graduation. I
have seen from my college many people getting ifs and not getting too. so i kept
another options open as substitute, I filled both forms together but fortunately
CDS result came first and I joined if IFS result would have come first I would
surely have join IFS but being a forestry graduate I have more inclination
towards forest services.
C: Ok (To Member1) Sir you proceed.
M1: So Mr. Yashpal you have a forestry background.
Me: Yes sir
M1: Tell me something about forests
Me: Told definition of forest (which he was not listening)
M1: What are the roles of forests ?
Me: It broadly it can be categorised in protective productive and
M1: Give examples
Me: Sir wood and soil-water etc conservation. economic gain via jobs
employment etc
M1: So you have studied physics chemistry and biology in class 12th so
tell me something about faraday's law
Me: Sorry sir I m not able to recollect now.
M1: Asked some physics questions which I told I do not know he asked the reason so I told that its a long time since I studied physics so it is difficult to recollect now
M2: Have you ever been to Jodhpur fort
Me: Yes sir
M2: Who built it
Me: Rao Jodha
M2: When
Me: 1496
M2: What are important plantation in jodhpur
Me: Sir its pungam and ailanthus exelsa.
M2: No I want a particular thorny spp which Jodhpur Maharaja planted.
Me: Asked for a minute time and told that sir I am not able to recollect
it now sorry
M3: Why you took 7 years for getting a degree
Me: Sir I prepared for medical and failed (all smiled)
So you wanted to become a doctor then you joined army now you want to come to
IFS (everybody smiled)
Me: Sir I studied in government school so that much awareness was not
there in time being I came to know about ICAR and passed in it
M3: Its ok so tell me about ozone depletion
Me: Explained complete procedure including reactions of oxygen free
M3: So you have heard about CFC, tell me formula gor
Me: I tried in air then asked for a paper and told him formula after
M3: So you are living in Chennai can a person make a house or hotel on
marina beach
Me: No sir
M3: What will prevent him
M3: When it took place
Me: 2010
M3: So what are for CRZ
Me: Rural, urban ecological etc
M4: Tell me difference in conservation and preservation
I told answer but he was not convinced, he asked me to further elaborate which I
did and was 50% satisfied
M4: Ex situ and in situ conservation
Me: Told difference
M4: Can you give me one example of each
Me: I gave.
M4: Tell me in two points what should be done to mitigate present day
environmental problems
Me: Sir according to me (M1 interrupted according to you he laughed) I
admitted sir I mean I feel that those two points should be one reduction of
emission, two awareness
M4: What do you do in a gene bank
Me: I blabbered
Suddenly Chairperson- Thank you Mr. Yashpal
I thanked them in a surprised manner and came out. Throughout the interview
chairperson was busy in reading my biodata n taking down some notes m1 was
curiously watching me and taking down some notes m2 was busy and other than his
question time he never looked up m3 was observing me top to bottom and taking
notes on a yellow paper and m4 was busy in eating.
Exam Interview Details : IFS 2010
Subjects Taken : Forestry and Agriculture
Interview Date : 01-Feb-2011
Interview Board : Mrs Rajni Razdan
Result of Interview : Qualified
City : Jodhpur