(Jobs) Recruitment of General Foreman / Technical Assistant Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission : June, 2011
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission
Recruitment of General Foreman / Technical Assistant
General Foreman
Total Post : 05
Salary : Rs. 9300-34800+ Grade Pay – Rs.4700/- (PB2)(PM)
Qualification :Candidates should possess the following or its
equivalent qualification on the date of this Notification, viz. 16.05.2011:
(1) A degree in Mechanical Engineering or Automobile Engineering or Automobile
Technology of any University or Institution recognised by the University Grants
Commission for the purpose of its grants. or
(2) A post Diploma in Automobile Engineering of the State Board of Technical
Education and Training, Tamil Nadu or of any recognised Institution or Board
with experience for a period of not less than two years in a supervisory
capacity in an automobile workshop.
Technical Assistant
Total Post : 08
Salary : Rs. 9300-34800+ Grade Pay – Rs.4700/- (PB2)(PM)
Educational Qualification : Candidates should possess the following or
its equivalent qualification on the date of this Notification, viz. 16.05.2011:
(1) A degree in Mechanical Engineering or Automobile Engineering or Automobile
Technology of any University or Institution recognised by the University Grants
Commission for the purpose of its grants. or
(2) A post Diploma in Automobile Engineering of the State Board of Technical
Education and Training, Tamil Nadu or of any recognised Institution or Board
with experience for a period of not less than two years in a supervisory
capacity in an automobile workshop.
Total Post : 01
Age : 35 Years As on 01.07.2011 (Not greater then 35 )
Salary : Rs. 5200-20200 & Grade payRs.1900
Age Limit : Not exceeding 40 years as on the last date for receiving application
Educational Qualification : 12th standard pass (under 10+2 scheme) with a good understanding ofroutine automobile maintenance requirements. Should have been possessing a valid driving license at least for 4 years and never awarded a suspension of driving license. Should be fluent in Hindi with skills to speak English. Preference will be given to those having higher qualifications, a working knowledge of computers and experience in handling routine office activities.
Experience : Minimum 3 years of relevant post-qualification experience in government or academic/research/commercial organizations of national/international repute, with at least 1 year serving in a multi-role function.
Attendant (Peon)
Total Post : 063
Age : 35 Years As on 01.07.2011 (Not greater then 35 )
Salary : Rs. 5200-20200 and Grade Pay Rs.2800
Educational Qualification : 10h standard pass. Preference will be given to those having working knowledge of computers. Should be able to communicate in Hindi and preferably English.
Experience : 10h standard pass. Preference will be given to those having working knowledge of computers. Should be able to communicate in Hindi and preferably English.
Age Limit : Not exceeding 40 years as on the last date for receiving application.
Selection Process:
Selection will be made in two successive stages
- Written Examination and
- Test in the shape of an interview.
Fees :
Fees : Rs.130/- (Rs. 100 - Examination Fee + Rs. 30 - Application Fee). The fee should be paid only through Postal Receipt obtained from any one of the Post Offices or Sub-Post Offices. Candidates applying Online should possess and keep ready the Postal Receipt for this amount before start entering the details.
How To Apply
The candidates who apply online will Superscribe “Online Application - General Foreman and Technical Assistant Recruitment Examination” on the envelope before despatching to the following address :
The Controller of Examinations
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission
Commercial Taxes Annexe Building
Greams Road
Chennai - 600 006
Website : http://tnpsconline.tn.nic.in
Click Here For More Details
Last Date : 15.06.2011
Date of Written Test : 16.10.2011 (10:00 am to 1:00 pm)
Courtesy: tnpsconline.tn.nic.in