(Online Course) IAS Interview: India & The World - 60 Years of India-China Relations
India & The World
60 years of India-China relations?
Question: What are the similarities between two countries?
- Most populous countries
- Both are developing countries
- Two fastest growing economies
- Significance in tackling serious financial and economic crisis.
Question. What are the irritations between the two countries?
- China’s all weather relationships with Pakistan.
- The issue of stapled visas
- Undertaking of projects in Pak
- The issue of Dalailama
- Problems created for the visit of the Northern Army command delegations to China.
- Constant restatement of China’s border claims.
- Unwillingness to support India’s quest for permanent membership.
- Contesting India’s right to undertake commercial projects in the South China sea.
Question: How India-China relation can be improved?
- A partnership based on mutual respect and sensitivity for each other’s concerns.
- Equality based relationship.
- Solving boundary disputes in a fair, reasonable and mutually acceptable manner
- Broadens deepen defense exchanges
- Expansion of India-China economic co-operation.
- The solving the issue of water resources