(Online Course) IAS Interview: National Security & Defence Related Issues - Naxalism
National Security & Defence Related Issues
Question. The reasons for the ripening of naxal ideologies?
- Successive failure of governments both in the states and the centre.
- Disconnect from developmental currents
- Deficit of basic services and governance
- Disjunction between policies, programmes and delivery
- A political vacuum also provided a stimulus
Question. The strategy followed by Maoist?
- Seizure of power by armed force
- Settlement of issues by war
- causing damage to state infrastructure
- Push forward their agenda by armed struggle, killing, extortion, ransom, sabotage, attacks on police forces and posts.
- To capture power by overthrowing democratic government
Question. Counter offensive strategy should contain following strategies to
control Maoist?
- A spirit of conflict resolution than management
- Swift developmental twists.
- Psychological operations to obliterate negative and warped perceptions about the establishment and the security forces.
- Zero tolerance to the violation of human eights and excesses.
- Confidence- building measures
- Healing touches
- A need for attractive rehabilitation packages for those who surrender
- A service- oriental civic action programmes by security forces.
- A pro-poor centric credo
- Inclusive growth
- A trinity of security interventions
- Socio-economic infrastructure dispensation in left out “rain shadow” areas
- Capturing the hearts and minds of the alienated and disempowered segments
- A well-crafted integrated and multi-dimensional strategies.
- A need for active political process
- A positive mindset, sagacity and clarity of vision and perception
- An operational co-ordination among the affected states.
- A vibrant micro-level governing modules such as gram Panchayats and local bodies
- A need for community involvement in the combat against extremism.