(IGP) IAS Pre: GS - Indian History - Ancient India : Post Mauryan Period (200. BC-300 AD) (MCQ -5)
Indian History
Post Mauryan Period (200. BC-300 AD) (MCQ -5)
1. Consider the following statements and mark the option which is correct.
(i) Chandragupta defeated Menander.
(ii) Wima Kadiphises assumed the title Deva ______ which was inspired by the
title Swargpulra of the chinese emperor.
(iii) Shake Rule was founded by Maso or Moga.
(a) ii
(b) i & iii
(c) all of the above
(d) ii & iii
2. Which Greek King issued bilingual coins?
(a) Allexander
(b) Demetrivs
(c) Manander
(d) Antaaliokus
3. Consider the following statements and mark the option which is
(i) Wima Kadiphises introduced the Saka era.
(ii) St. Thomas reached India during the time of Pahalava King
(iii) The Junagarh / Girnar Inscription of Rudraaman is the first
inscription in chaste Sanskrit.
(a) i & ii
(b) all of tha above
(c) iii
(d) none of the above
4. Who patronised Mathura Art & built a stupa at Purushpur?
(a) Kijula Kadiphises
(b) Rudradaman
(c) Wima Kadiphises
(d) Moga
5. Consider the following statements and mark the option which is
(i) Hathigumpha Inscription of Kharvela of Kalinga is also sources
of Sangam Age.
(ii) Wima Kadiplises, inspired by his teacher Parva convened a
buddhist convict at Kandalvana in Kashmir.
(iii) Greeks introduced Hellinistic Art into India, the impact of
which can be seen in the Gandhara Art.
(a) ii
(b) none of the above
(c) i & iii
(d) all of the above