(IGP) IAS Pre: GS - Indian Polity - The Constitution of India: Citizenship (MCQ - 3)
Indian Polity
Citizenship (MCQ - 3)
1. A person is entitled to Indian citizenship if
(a) Domiciled in India
(b) Born in India
(c) A refuge who has migrated to India form Pakistan
(d) All of the above
2. When can Indian citizenship not be
a) When there is an emergency
b) When there is war
c) When there are elections
d) It can be terminated regardless of conditions
3. Indian citizenship can be acquired
a) By descent
b) By naturalization
c) By registration
d) All of these
4. There is double citizenship in
a) India
b) England
c) USA
d) Japan
5. The constitution of India has
provided for
a) Single citizenship
b) Multiple citizenship
c) Double citizenship
d) None
6. Which of the following is not a
condition of becoming a citizen of India
a) Birth
b) Descent
c) Acquired property
d) Naturalization
7. The constitution of India has
introduced single citizenship on the pattern of
a) Britain
b) Canada
c) Both a and b
d) United states