(IGP) IAS Pre: GS - Science and Technology - Biology - Tissue (MCQ - 2)

Tissue (MCQ - 2)

1. Consider the following statements regarding Epithelial tissue.
(A) On the basis of cell layers it is divided into simple and multiple cells.
(B) They act against mechanical injury and fluid los.
(C) Themultiple cell layers are known as stratified Epithelium.

Which of the above statements are true?
(A) All of the above
(B) B & C only
(C) A& B only
(D) None of the above

2. Consider the following statements.
(A) Cuboidal Occurance is in kidney tubules inner lining of the check. Its main function is to give mechanical strength
(B) Columnar occurs in sweat glands, tear gland and it is concerned width secretions.
(C) Squamous also called endothelium. It protects from injury & entry of foams.

Which of the above are true?
(A) A& B only
(B) A & C only
(C) None of the above
(D) All of the above

3. Consider the following statements regarding Connective.
(A) Main function ofAdipose tissues is to join skin to muscles and remap tissues.
(B) Main function ofAdipose tissues is to store fat and conserve heat.
(C) Skeletal tissues provide flexibility to body parts

Which of the above are false?
(A) A only
(B) C only
(C) A& B only
(D) None of the above.

4. Consider the following statements.
(A) Leucocytes help in cloting of blood.
(B) Platelet flight diseases
(C) Lymph transport nutrients to the heart

Which of the above are false?
(A) A and B only
(B) B and C only
(C) All of the above
(D) A & C only

5. Consider the following statements regarding muscular tissues.
(A) Skeletal muscle tissue helps provide locomotion.
(B) Cardiac muscles occur only in the heart and help pump blood & distribution of blood to various parts.
(C) Smooth muscles are found in stomach, intestine & blood vesels.

Which of the above are true?
(A) A& B only
(B) A & C only
(C) None of the above
(D) All of the above

6. Consider the following statements.
(A) Two bones are connected to each other by a tissue called ligament.
(B) Muscle tissue is composed of differential cells contain contractile protein.
(C) Voluntary muscles are richly supplied with water where involuntary muscles are richly supplied with blood.

Which of the above statement are false?
(A) A& B
(B) B & C
(C) C only
(D) A only

7. Consider the following statement regarding meresmatic tissues.
(A) Apical meristemresult in primary growth, and to increase the length of stem & root.
(B) Lateral meristem results in secondary growth. They cause the organ to increase in diameter & growth.
(C) Inter-calary meristem is resposusbile for growth in the length of the plant.

Which of the above are false?
(A) A& B
(B) A& C
(C) All of the above
(D) None of the above

8. Consider the following statement regarding Phloem.
(A) In phloem water flows due to diffusion quotient.
(B) Phloem consist of living elements seive tubes.
(C) Phloem transport dissolved food all around plant.

Which of the above are true?
(A) A& C
(B) C & B
(C) None of the above
(D) All of the above

9. Consider the following statements regarding Xylem.
(A) Xylem transport water & mineral from root to the other parts of plants
(B) In xylem water flows by mechanism of flubs flow.
(C) The tubular cells in xylem are made of hard walled cells.

Which of the above are true?
(A) B & C
(B) B & C
(C) Only B
(D) All of the above

10. Consider the following statement.
(A) Complex permanent tissues are made up of one type of cell.
(B) These cells perform a common function.
(C) Xylems & Phloem are examples of complex tissues.

Which of the above are true?
(A) None of the above
(B) B & C only
(C) A only
(D) A& B only

11. Consider the following statements.
(A) Selerenchyma is a tissue of dead & thick walled cells.
(B) Collenchyma occurs is in hypodermis of stem & petiole & around veins.
(C) Parenchyma occurs in all soft parts of plants like cortea of roots.

Which of the above are true?
(A) A& B
(B) A& C
(C) All of the above
(D) None of the above.

12. Consider the following statements.
(A) Whole grain, pulses & potatoes, vegetables & fruits provide roughage.
(B) Dietary fibres are known as roughage.
(C) They do not provide nutrients to our body.

Which of the above are true?
(A) All of the above
(B) None of the above
(C) A& B only
(D) B & C only