(IGP) CSAT Paper - II : English Language & Comprehension - MCQ 5

English Language and Comprehension (MCQ - 5)

Directions (Q. 1-5): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words are given in bold to help you to locate themwhile answering some of the questions.

During Emperor Akbar's reign, there was a poor man in Agra who was thought to bring bad luck. People believed that if any one looked at his face in the morning, they would have a bad day.

"Get lost, you ugly felow!" he would be cursed by one and all. "Hide your face before you kill someone with your eveil eye!" The emperor soon heared of this man's reputation and wanted to see him. The poor fellow, who had not harmed a single person in his life, was brought toAkbar. Akbar took a look at him and asked him to be brought back in evening.  That particular day was an especially full and tiring  day for the emperor and his courtiers. Somanymatters had to be attened to, thatAkbar even forgot to eat. By the end of the day, the emperor was exhausted. To make matters worse. Akar was  informed that his favourite child, little Prince Salim, had fallen ill. Then the emperor suddenly remembered that he had seen the face of the 'unlucky' man that morning. That was it. It was that man's entire fault, Akbar decided. Akbar called his courtiers and told them that he  was going to have the 'unlucky' man executed. All of them agreed immediately.

That is, all except Birbal. Instead, Birbal let out a short laugh. "What's the matter, Birbal?" asked the angry emperor." You seem to find something funny!" "Nothing, Your majesty," replied Birbal.  "You say this man brings bad luck because you had to go without food ever since you saw him this  morning. Look at his luck. Yours was the first face he saw today, and he has to die because of it."Akbar immediately  realised his folly and rewarded Birbal for his wisdom.

1. Why had the King not eaten his food?
(1) Hewas very busy that day
(2) Hehad seen the face of the unlucky fellow
(3) He was not felling well
(4) He had been invited by Birbal for lunch

2. Who was not well on that particular day?
(1) King Akbar
(2) The King's courtiers
(3) Birbal
(4) Prince Salim

3. Which of the following describeds Birbal?
(1) Hewas a famous merchant
(2) He had lost his senses
(3) He was very poor
(4) He possessed good logical thinking

4. Which of the following is TRUE in the context of the passage?
(1) The poor man wanted to see the king.
(2) The poor man was well educated.
(3) The courtiers were smpathetic with the poor man
(4) King Akbar realised his mistake

5. Which of the following is/are NOT TRUE in the context of the passage?
(1) Akbar worried toomuch after meeting the poorman.
(2) Akbar had eaten his food with the poor man.
(3) Akbar decided to executed the poor man.
(1) Only (1)
(2) Both (1) and (3)
(3) All (1), (2) and (3)
(4) Only (3)


1. (1) 2. (4) 3. (4) 4. (4) 5. (4)